


英文单词:违约损失率(Loss Given Default);无领导小组讨论(leaderless group discussion);乐金显示器(LG Display)


1.违约损失率(Loss Given Default)违约损失率(LGD) 委员会规定的监管指标 银行提供的估计值违约风险暴露(EAD) 委员会规定的监管指标 银行提供的估计值 期限 …

2.无领导小组讨论(leaderless group discussion)无领导小组讨论LGD)最全资料附带 2011.05.13 无领导小组讨论(LGD)最全资料附带九大经 点击下载:点我吧 使用方法…

3.乐金显示器(LG Display)以乐金显示器LGD)来说,因为拿下new iPad与iPhone面板订单,使得其产能利用率偏高,并带动财务表现亮丽,LGD第二 …

4.老干爹在老干爹lgd),id是ks.LGD.ZSMJ.XX最后2个忘了~评论| 三圱院风 |二级采纳率30% 擅长:体育/运动魔兽争霸华语流行乐百 …


1.In the last, it put forward that the competency model can improve the reliability and validity of the LGD.最后,通过对数据的分析得出胜任特征模型能够提高无领导小组讨论的信度和效度。

2.First of all, this study sought to demonstrate the LGD which based on competency model has high reliability and validity.在第一个方向上笔者力图证明基于胜任特征模型的无领导小组讨论具有较高的信度和效度。

3.See Annex 3 for the minimum collateral level, overage collateral level and smallest LGD of the collaterals of different categories.不同抵质押品的最低抵质押水平、超额抵质押水平,以及最低违约损失率见附件3。

4.Large actual loan loss exceeding the estimated LGD could lead to a serious depletion of bank's equity capital.实际贷款损失如果大大超过预计的违约损失率会导致银行的自有资本严重损耗。

5.LGD is estimated from default-weighted average loss rate during a certain time period.违约损失率可以通过一段时间内的加权平均违约损失率估计出来

6.Investigation on the Expert System of Hazardous Material Safety Management in LGDLGD危险品安全管理专家系统的研究

7.Empirical Research on Impact Factors of LGD of China's Commercial Banks' Loan我国银行贷款违约损失率影响因素的实证分析

8.On the Measuring Approach to the LGD under the New Basel Accord巴塞尔新资本协议下的LGD测算方法研究

9.LGD Calculating Based on the New Basel Agreements基于巴塞尔新资本协议的违约损失率度量
