




1.复旦大学 上海 Shanghai 复旦大学 Fudan University 同济大学 Tongji University ...

2.上海复旦大学 ... 王振忠( Wang Zhenzhong) 复旦大历史地理研究所Fudan University) 胡晓真( Siao-chen Hu) ...

4.中国复旦大学 68. 中国复旦大学 Fudan University 69. 奥地利维也纳大学 University of Vienna ...

5.复旦大学数学学院 徐胜芝 /Xu Shengzhi 复旦大学数学学院 Fudan University 张树彬 Shubin Zhang ...

6.学府 ... Duo Lun Lu Wen Hua Ming Ren Jie( 城市休闲) Fudan University( 学府) Haishang Theatre( 表演) ...

7.复旦大学宣传片 【China Shanghai】 中国 上海 3/12 复旦大学宣传片 Fudan University ...


1.To Tang Qingwei, a 22 -year-old Fudan University senior who was one of the organizers of the hike , last week was a pfe lesson .岁的复旦大四学生唐清威是此次登山探险活动的组织者之一,对他而言,上周的事件可谓是一生的教训。

2.He mentioned when he was in Shanghai a few years ago he saw a small gate with a sign of "Fudan University" beside it.他说前几年到过上海,看到有个小门,挂着个牌子,上面是“复旦大学”四个字。

3.Zhuoyao Zhang grew up in Wuxi, near Shanghai, where she attended Fudan University as an undergraduate.张卓姚出生于离上海不远的无锡市,大学时代是在复旦大学度过的。

4.Researchers from Fudan University's Human Genetics Laboratory studied 9, 200 samples from 46 races over the span of a year.复旦大学人类遗传学实验室研究人员历时一年,对9200个来自46个不同种族的样本进行了研究。

5.Early in March this year, Cai Wei received a phone call from Fudan University requiring him to attend the doctor recruitment examination.今年三月上旬,蔡伟接到了来自复旦大学的电话,请他去参加博士生招生考试。

6.But Beijing is driven by its own strategic imperatives in deapng with its old ally, said Cai Jian of Fudan University in Shanghai.但根据上海复旦大学教授蔡建的分析,北京方面将有自己的一套战略来处理与旧盟友的关系。

7.Yan-ning of the Fudan University in high-class homosexual, have taken place in a debate: Should the promotion of one-on-one relationship?在高燕宁复旦大学的同性恋课上,发生了一个争论:应不应该提倡一对一的关系?

8.Mr. Zhou has been a partner of Fangda Partners since 1994. He graduated from Fudan University School of Law with a Bachelor of Laws.周律师毕业于复旦大学法律系,他从1994年起成为方达的合伙人。

9.Fudan University was founded in 1905, now known as one of China' leading institutions of higher learning with the longest history.复旦大学创办于1905年,是我国历史最悠久的高等院校之一。

10.Yet, the land sold this week isn't downtown, but instead in Yangpu district, far to the northeast of the city near Fudan University.但本周卖出的地皮不在市中心,而是在杨浦区,偏居城市东北部,邻近复旦大学。