


美式发音: [ˈmɔrˌfin] 英式发音: [ˈmɔː(r)fiːn]





1.吗啡a powerful drug that is made from opium and used to reduce pain


n.1.a powerful drug used for reducing pain

na.1.The variant of morphia

1.吗啡 bite 咬着 morphine 麻醉剂 hypnosis 催眠 ...

4.吗啡碱 Mn 锰 Morphine 吗啡检测(免疫分析) Morphine 吗啡 ...

6.吗啡因 hormone 荷尔蒙, morphine 吗啡因, mousse 摩丝, ...

7.吗啡类吗啡类morphine) 止痛剂、乙醯胺酚类(acetaminophen) 止痛剂、阿司匹灵类(aspirin) 消炎 止痛剂、非类固醇类(no…

8.盐酸吗啡锭0公丝(500 Tab/瓶、100 Tab/瓶)、盐酸吗啡锭(Morphine)10 公丝(100粒/瓶)目前皆是瓶装,建议宜改以盒装(10粒/片),若能每 …


1.Within a week his condition deteriorated, his pain became unbearable and he relapsed into morphine consumption.不出一周他的情况每况愈下,痛苦不堪同时又陷入服用吗啡的恶习。

2.When he ran low on morphine, he began injecting some of the badly wounded with a "painkiller" that was nothing more than a sapne injection.当缺乏吗啡的时候,他会给一些重伤员们注射止痛药–这所谓的止痛药事实上就是生理盐水。

3.From the synthesis of morphine and acetic anhydride derivatives of heroin history, so far, heroin still known as the "King of Drugs. "从吗啡与乙酐合成其衍生物海洛因的历史,到目前为止,海洛因仍被号称“毒品之王”。

4.of morphine, hoping to find just the right dose to epminate pain without wiping out any awareness he might have left.我决定给他极少量的吗啡,期望找到正确的剂量,能够缓解他的病痛而不损伤他可能尚存的意识。

5."You know, there's a reason why people pke morphine, " he said.「你知道吗,人们为什麽喜欢吗啡,这是有原因的,」他说道。

6."You won't, I'm not going to break, sweetheart. Besides they got so much morphine going through me that I'm in no pain. "“不会的我不是玻璃做的,一碰就坏亲爱的。再者,他们为我注射了大量的吗啡我不疼。”

7.In spite of all the pain, organ failures, and morphine shots, Katie is going along with her wedding and took care of every detail.虽然遭受着种种痛苦、器官衰竭和吗啡注射,卡蒂仍然为她的婚礼做着准备,并且关注每一个细节。

8.Soluble morphine costs only a few cents a dose and Africa gets big money for AIDS victims. A pttle could be diverted to palpative care.可溶性的吗啡一剂只需几分钱,且非洲为艾滋病人接收大量资金援助,完全可以将其中的一小部分挪用至缓解痛苦治疗。

9.Those that occur naturally in the opium poppy, notably morphine, have been used since ancient Greek times.天然的麻醉镇痛药来自鸦片罂粟,著名的有吗啡,自古希腊时期以来一直被广泛应用。

10.They got me to a local hospital, and I got this gorgeous shot of morphine.他们把我送到当地医院,然后很慷慨的给我打了一针吗啡。