


英文单词:心理恐怖战术;不确定及怀疑的(fear, uncertainty and doubt);恐惧


1.心理恐怖战术 FUBB 性交在信仰之外 FUD (传播)恐惧,不确定性,和 FWIW 对于什么它值得 ...

4.阔 活 wud6 fud3 舌 xid3 ...


1.But before we get into all that, I'll take just a minute to separate some JSF FUD from fact.但是在开始之前,我将花一点时间来划清JSFFUD与事实真相。

2.Recognize that there is nothing but bogus Internal FUD stopping you from turning your Great Idea into a Real Business.请明白,只是你内心存在的虚假的FUD阻止你将伟大的构想转化为真正的商业。

3.Throughout this series I've tried to help you overcome the FUD that has caused many Java developers to shy away from using JSF technology.贯穿这个系列,我一直在试图帮助您克服造成许多Java开发人员逃避使用JSF技术的FUD。

4.A little bit of FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) improves overall quality.一点点的FUD(害怕、不确定和怀疑)会提高综合质量的。

5.And again: "In Soviet Russia, FUD spreads Microsoft Russian exec, " chimed in marcello_dl.并且还有:“在苏维埃俄国,落后守旧在微软俄罗斯领导人那里传播,”marcello_dl赞同道。

6.And that's probably enough talk about FUD, for now anyway.就现在来说,对FUD的谈论也许已经足够了。

7."Oh, it makes really good FUD" -- Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt -- "for other people to label us that way. "哦,Geronimo真的非常FUD(恐惧,不确定,怀疑),对于如此标榜我们的那些人来说。

8.Don't believe the FUD from people that have never tried it!不要相信这些从未试过它的人们的FUD!

9.Don't let Internal FUD keep you on the couch instead of raising that startup capital.不要让内心的FUD把你困在床上,努力去获取你的启动资金。

10.Both sides have many people actively promoting fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) about the other side.双方的阵营中各有一些人积极地助推了对对方的恐惧、怀疑和不信任。
