


美式发音: [.si 'ef] 英式发音: [.siː 'ef]



英文单词:穿越火线(Cross Fire);碳纤维(carbon fiber);囊性纤维化(cystic fibrosis)





n.1.[Photography]Compact Flash

na.1.cystic fibrosis

1.穿越火线(Cross Fire) 97 Bk 锫 98 Cf 99 Es 锿 ...


1.Starting from point A cut along the CF and halfway around the neck seam. Stop before the front shoulder neck point.从A点开始沿着前中心线和衣领缝合一裁剪到前肩颈点停止。

2.UcFs CF card in the bottom of transplant function-driven interface, the source has been commercially proven, easy-to-use.详细说明:CF卡在ucFs中的底层驱动接口移植函数,本源码已经过商用验证,放心使用。

3.Cf. If it is not for the regular orders we receive form a number of our customers, we cannot quote for supplies even at those prices.如果不是因为我们的一些买主定期向我们订货,我们是不能按这个价格供货的。

4.We do not read here the reaction of the people, but most assuredly it was that of unbelief (cf. 25: 3).我们没有读到有关百姓的反应,但是可以非常确定是一种不信的态度(参25:3)。

5.CF is an inherited disease characterized by an abnormality in the body's salt-, water- and mucus-making cells.囊性纤维化是一种遗传性疾病,其特征为机体盐、水和黏液细胞异常。

6.The Cluster Caching Facility (CF) servers (which as you can see are typically fully duplexed) do not require any licenses whatsoever.PowerHApureScale(CF)服务器(正如您可以看到的通常是充分的双工)无需任何许可证。

7.CF: Exactly, at the moment I don't have anything to say and there's nothing to discuss.小法:准去的说,此刻我没有什么话要说的,也没有什么可讨论的。

8."Between" . Cf: They divided the money between them .他们两人平分了这笔钱。

9.Not afraid to have abused, battered and grow up, will be able to CF, Enhancing AWP ( AWM ) we hope that the game is enjoyable!要有不怕被虐,并在被虐中成长,就能在CF里练好AWP(AWM)希望大家游戏愉快!

10.With the saturating market of the chemical cleaning products, even excess of it, CF is faced with the increasing competition in the market.随着日化洗涤产品市场的饱和,甚至过剩,CF日化企业面临的市场竞争压力越来越大。