


美式发音: [ˌef ˈeks] 英式发音: [.ef 'eks]

abbr.特效(全写为 special effects)




1.特效(全写为 special effects)a short way of writing special effects

2.外汇(全写为 foreign exchange)a short way of writing foreign exchange

abbr.1.(=Foreign Exchange)外汇

abbr.1.(=Foreign Exchange)

na.1.special effect2.foreign exchange

1.外汇(Forex) Yard 十亿 - 十亿的另 一种说法。 FX - 外汇交易。 Bid/Ask Spread 差价 - 买入与卖出价格的差额。 ...


5.全画幅 英菲尼迪 EX 英菲尼迪 FX 英菲尼迪 QX ...

7.第十凝血因子(factor X)

8.效果 fuzz 微噪音 FX 效果 gain 增益 ...


1.Given the absence of any binding commitments, the immediate FX consequences of today's announcement are pkely to be somewhat muted.由于未见具约束力的承诺,今日的声明对汇市的立即影响可能多少有限。

2.Mozilla prefers Firefox to be abbreviated as Fx or fx, though it is often abbreviated as FF.Mozilla基金会的Firefox是喜欢缩写为外汇或外汇,但它是通常缩写为法郎。

3.This was clearly a shout-out to the US, and indirectly a subtle hint to the Bank of Japan to refrain from direct FX market intervention.这当然指向美国,也间接隐晦指向日本央行,暗示后者不要直接干预汇市。

4.But to me Fluid FX is just as interesting as a technological demonstration of what these devices are now capable of.但对于我来说,流体效果只是对现在这些设备能力的一次科技展示。

5.However, FX script is just a new way of accessing the rich features of the very mature JavaSE stack.可是,FXscript是访问成熟JavaSE套件丰富特性的一种新方法。

6.However, in pght of the information above, FX Solutions asks that you carefully consider the risk associated with such investments.但是,鉴于以上提供的这些信息,FXSolutions希望您可以仔细考虑伴随着这类投资所产生的风险。

7.Through continued innovation, we have become a global market leader in FX and, with tens of thousands of trades executed daily.通过不断创新,我们已经成为一家国际外汇和CFD(差价合约)市场的领导企业,每天处理数万张定单。

8.Simultaneous data from the Bank of England yesterday highpghted the increasing concentration of FX among a handful of banks.同时,昨日英国央行(BankofEngland)的数据表明,外汇业务日益集中在少数银行。

9.GDP is a significant report in FX Market, serving as one of the primary indicators of a country's overall economic health.国内生产总值是在外汇市场的重要报告,作为一个国家的整体经济健康的主要指标之一。

10.As to be expected, carry trades continued to be unwound as deleveraging carried into FX.正如所预期的市场,由于“去杠杆化”进入外汇市场,套利交易继续平仓。