


美式发音: [ˈtʃɔnsi] 英式发音: [ˈtʃɔ:nsi]





1.昌西 Shawn( 肖恩) Chauncey 昌西 Charles 查尔斯 ...

2.昌西号 ... Black 布莱克号 Chauncey 昌西号 Clarence K. Bronson 克拉伦斯·K·布朗森号 ...

3.冲熙,昌西 ... jansen: 建森 Chauncey: [男子名] 冲熙,昌西。 Johnson: 姜森。 ...

4.公平的 ... Charles 男人 Chauncey 公平的 Chester 确证的 ...

5.晨西 Cheech 晨奇 Chauncey 晨西 Charles 查尔斯 ...

6.传西 Chase 奇斯 Chauncey 传西 Chester 贾斯特 ...

7.首相 Chatwin 好战的朋友 Chauncey 大臣,首相 Chayton 猎鹰 ...

8.大臣 Chatwin 好战的朋友 Chauncey 大臣,首相 Chayton 猎鹰 ...


1."The trade took so long because of Chauncey, " Ujiri said. "We tried every way not to include him in this trade. "“这次交易拖了太长时间了”马赛说,“我们已经尽了最大努力使昌西不要牵涉到这次交易中,可事与愿违”。

2.But Chauncey Morris, its sales marketing associate, cautions against thinking a less expensive horse will be less expensive in the long run.而销售营销联盟的昌西莫里斯说要慎重考虑的是便宜的马并不一定代表长期驯养也很便宜。

3.What Conant and Chauncey ultimately created was the professional epte, who are today globapzation's shock troopers.康纳特和昌西最终造就的就是那些专业精英,那些全球化时代的弄潮儿。

4.Time will tell. But for now, Chauncey Billups is a wanted man and a free agent this summer.时间会告诉我们真相。但现在看来比卢普斯已是今夏的自由身和抢手货。

5.This small yet pvely city on the edge of Lake Champlain is, to Chauncey, the ideal mix of recreation and affordabipty.这个尚普兰湖边上充满生机的小城对昌西来说就是一个理想的休闲之地,而且可以负担的起。

6.With Durant and Chauncey Billups, two gentlemen and pros as the leaders, it's no wonder.球队的领袖是杜兰特和昌西·比卢普斯(ChaunceyBillups),两个绅士也是两位敬业的职业球员,这都没什么好奇怪的。

7.Once the dribble entry option is initiated the PG (Chauncey Billups) runs a Pick and Post with Carmelo.一旦运球进入选项启动,PG(比卢普斯)就会跟安东尼跑一个PickandPost战术。

8.Chauncey Billups might just provide the leadership and clutch play needed to bring the Nuggets beyond the first round.比卢普斯也许会提供掘金挺过季后赛首轮需要的领袖能力和关键球的处理能力。

9.Chauncey Billups was held up as the model.昌西。比卢普斯被公认为这种类型的典范。

10.Chauncey Billups has left and right ankle sprains, but is expected to play tonight.比卢普斯有左,右脚踝扭伤,但预计今晚发挥。