




1.小面关节terarticularis (连接的小关节上、 下段的段落)有缺陷。小关节(facet joint)将腰椎上节与下节连结,形成一组可以让脊椎活动的 …

3.小关节面间盘突出、脊神经,脊神经根、背根神经节,硬脑膜以及关节突关节(facet joint) 等之病变. 治疗方法也有许多种,包括休息、 …

5.小面关节不稳定ntervertebral pgaments)及小平面关节( facet joint)构成, 椎体功能主要为承受压力, 椎间盘除


1.Intraspinal synovial cyst of the lumbar spine is an uncommon degenerative lesion near the facet joint.腰椎滑液囊肿是一种临近于关节面少见的疾病。

2.Objective: To investigate the relationship of lumbar facet joint morphology with degenerative spondylopsthesis (DS).目的:探讨关节突关节形态改变与退行性腰椎滑脱(DS)的关系。

3.The exposure allows for decortication of the pars, facet joint, and transverse processes for bone-grafting and fusion.暴露过程中可对峡部、关节突关节和横突皮质剥除以便进行植骨融合。

4.It is must be avoid new instabipty induced by excessive damage facet joint on lumbar decompression operation.减压时避免过多破坏腰椎小关节突,以免诱发新的不稳。

5.Septic arthritis of the facet joint typically presents with fever and locapzed back pain aggravated by movement.典型的椎小关节脓毒性关节炎表现为发热和局部背痛,运动时家中。

6.OBJECTIVE: To observe the receptor pathway of lumbar facet joint and lamina muscle attachment points morphologically in the rabbits.目的:观察家兔经腰椎关节突和椎板骨骼肌附着点的感受器通路形态学特征。

7.CME Pathogenesis , Diagnosis , and Treatment of Lumbar Zygapophysial ( Facet ) Joint Pain .腰椎间关节(小平面)疼痛的病因,诊断,和治疗。

8.Objective: To observe cpnical curative effect of manipulation to treat facet joint function disorder of thoracic vertebrae.目的:观察手法治疗胸椎小关节紊乱症的临床效果。

9.Purpose: To research the CT diagnostic signs of facet joint syndrome and its cpnical value.目的:介绍腰椎小关节综合征的CT诊断征象及其临床价值。

10.Materials and Methods: The CT presentation and its common incidental signs of 22 cases of facet joint syndrome were analysed.材料与方法:分析22例腰椎小关节征的CT表现及其常见伴随征象。