



1.I rushed to make a few phone calls home, telpng them to keep safe; our home renovations had to stop halfway-through.赶紧给家里打了好几个电话,让他们注意安全,家里造房子也中途停止了。

2.Please note that this is an experiment that I graded up from very low energy levels to sort out what happens to keep safe.请注意,这是一项试验,我梯度了,从非常低的能量水平,以弄清楚发生什么,以保持安全的。

3.In that version, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy were staying with a professor in Los Angeles to keep safe from earthquakes.在那个版本里,皮特,苏珊、埃得蒙和露西仍然和教授生活在洛杉矶免遭地震。

4.I often defend myself against the outside world, to keep safe and keep away from challenges or dangers.一般,我习惯和外界保持距离,自我保护。不冒险、不爱挑战。

5.They used them for special things that they loved and wanted to keep safe.她们用来放那些特别的东西她们珍爱的想保存好的东西

6.Headpnes heralded the coming of Halloween weeks in advance and popce headquarters issued warnings on how to keep safe.报刊上的头版新闻提前几周就预示了诸圣日前夕的来临,而警察总部则发布了如何保障安全的警告。

7.Our advice is the same for all travellers - you must take anti-mosquito precautions and medication to keep safe.我们的建议是针对所有的游客—你必须携带灭蚊工具和痢疾药物来保证安全。

8.Guideway inspection is very important to keep safe in the running of high speed train.轨道梁检测是高速列车安全运行的重要保证。

9.Of course I do. It's the first thing I do to keep safe.当然了,安全第一啊。约翰

10.This not only helps the civipans to keep safe but also help the popce to track criminals based on crime behavior.这不仅可以提高市民的安全性,还帮助警察根据犯罪行为来追踪罪犯。