




1.依稀可见 ... 依稀记得 vaguely remember 依稀可见 faintly visible 依稀可辨 faintly visible ...

2.隐隐可见 ... ) optical conccalment depth 可见光隐蔽深度 ) faintly visible 隐隐可见 ) laser stealth 激光隐身 ...

3.隐约可见 ... 吸光度值 Value of absorption 极轻微红斑(隐约可见)( faintly visible) 边界清晰红斑(淡红色)( pght red) ...

4.依稀可辨 ... 依稀可见 faintly visible 依稀可辨 faintly visible 依稀记得 vaguely remember ...


1.In fact , a beautiful story, I have become a diary of the deepest one, although the time of her fading but faintly visible .其实,美丽的故事早已成为我日记里最深的一页,当年的字迹虽然褪色但依稀可见。

2.When I landed in Beijing last week, the sky was a brownish miasma through which distant landmarks were only faintly visible.上周我抵达北京时,天空一片褐色的雾瘴,透过其间,远处的地标建筑隐隐约约。

3.White skin not senile plaques, over seventy years of age still is a born beauty, faintly visible when young beautiful face.白皙的皮肤未见老年斑,年逾古稀仍难掩天生丽质,依稀可见年轻时动人的容颜。

4.The waiting David is faintly visible in a distant tower. The peacock of pride broods in a corner of her room.等待她去赴约的大卫王在远处城堡上隐隐可见,象征骄傲的孔雀在她房间的角落。

5.Faintly visible for you for thousands of years ago under the cherry grove, quiet and deep.依稀可见千年前为你种下的那片樱花林,幽静深远。

6.Dust clouds suspended above the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy are also faintly visible throughout the wide field of view.在我们银河系的平面上放的尘埃云在这广域视野中也能看到些模糊的影子。

7.After a while, the morning mist scattered, saipng away, leaving only the faintly visible smoke pu. The hazy, undulating hills.不一会,晨雾散了,帆船远去,唯留下两岸依稀可见的烟柳。

8.In pregnancy she seemed to him beautiful but fragile, fine blue veins faintly visible through her pale white skin.在他眼里,怀孕的她显得美丽而脆弱,苍白的肌肤上隐约可见细微的蓝色血管。

9.Faintly Visible Utopia --The End of the International Anarchy?依稀可见的乌托邦——国际无政府状态的终结?。

10.The high clouds containing the ice crystals are faintly visible, as are some sundogs .包含冰晶的高空云所形成黯淡的幻日隐约可见。