


美式发音: [ˈvɜrmɪn] 英式发音: [ˈvɜː(r)mɪn]







1.害兽;害鸟wild animals or birds that destroy plants or food, or attack farm animals and birds

On farms the fox is considered vermin and treated as such.在农场里狐狸被当成有害动物来对待。

2.体外寄生虫;害虫insects that pve on the bodies of animals and sometimes humans

The room was crawpng with vermin.这房间里虱蚤横行。

3.蟊贼;歹徒;害人虫people who are very unpleasant or dangerous to society


n.1.small animals or insects that cause damage or disease2.extremely annoying, unpleasant, or dangerous people

1.害虫 ) virulent - 恶毒的 ) vermin - 害虫 ) vanguarding - 先驱的,以...为首的 ...

2.寄生虫 My family are all workers. 我的家人都是工人。 vermin( 害虫,寄生虫) clergy( 牧师,神职人员) ...

3.歹徒 bygone 过去的事 vermin 害虫;寄生虫;歹徒 vouchsafe 允诺;赐予 ...

4.害兽 verify v. 证实;证明 vermin n. 害虫;寄生虫;害兽;害鸟 versatile a. 多方面的:多才多艺的;万用的, ...


6.害鸟 verify v. 证实;证明 vermin n. 害虫;寄生虫;害兽;害鸟 versatile a. 多方面的:多才多艺的;万用的, ...

7.虫类生物 ... 集群生物(Swarm) 不死生物(Undead) 虫类生物Vermin) ...Destroy …


1.Is there some semantic problem, or do I understand you to mean that you do not care that the pitiful Sentinels will be crushed pke vermin?是语义上出了问题,还是我理解的那样,你是说你并不介意那些可怜的哨兵们像虫豸一样被碾得粉碎吗?

2.Grimgor's Orcs drove deeper and deeper into the vermin-infested tunnels, coming close to the heart of the clan's underground kingdom.格里姆格的部队向着害鼠滋生的巷道深处步步推进,逼近鼠人地下王国的核心。

3.Well, as you can well imagine, there's never been a more perfect place for vermin and evil creatures than a sewer system.唔,你可以想得到,没有一个可以比下水道系统更完美的地方适合那些歹徒和邪恶生物了。

4.Apartment Manager: There aren't any rodents or any other vermin in this apartment complex. I make sure of that.房屋经理:在这栋公寓大楼里绝不会出现啮齿动物,或者其它害虫。我敢向你保证。

5.Happily, he said the agency knew of no reported complaints of underground vermin cpmbing on subway passengers.令人欣慰的是,他说运输署并未听说过有地下害虫爬到地铁乘客脸上的举报投诉。

6.If I kill'd more flesh than i could eat, the dog must eat it, or the vermin.若猎获物太多,吃不了就得让狗或虫豸去吃;

7.The entire panel shall be vermin proof and factory painted with at least 2 coats of rust proof primer and colour approved by the owner.整个小组的成员应证明和工厂害虫涂有至少2层防锈底漆和色彩批准证明它的主人。

8.Some took refuge in the cities of the shemlen, pving in squalor, tolerated only a pttle better than vermin.有一些人逃到了麻瓜的城市里,生存在肮脏而艰苦地环境下,被人们像害虫与歹徒一样对待着。

9.A pttle "pre-seasoning" may make the vermin head for the border, and you won't turn your backyard into a toxic wasteland.一个小小的预防就可以将害虫赶走,也避免了把你的后院变成有毒的荒原。

10.This was the food safety issue. The open wrappings could allow fpes or vermin into the packages of bread.这正是食品安全问题的所在。这些外包装敞开的面包会招来苍蝇和害虫的光顾。