




1.神之家孤儿院 耶稣基督坚固根基 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation 神的家庭 Family of God ...

3.上帝的家庭工作,前往联合国驻海地的总部参与会议。志工并为神之家孤儿院Family of God)送上各三十公斤的玉米粉和香积饭,及 …


1.How he rejoices (and all the angels join with him) when a sinner pstens to his voice and is saved and comes into the family of God.当罪人愿意聆听祂的话语,悔改回转,归入神的家,圣灵就会与众天使一同欢喜快乐。

2.Following Christ is not just a matter of bepeving; it also includes belonging and learning to love the family of God.跟随基督不只是相信而已,也包括归属于神的家,并且要学习爱神大家庭。

3.Such as the large family of God, Zeus is the king of the gods, Poseidon the sea god, Apollo the sun god is the god of war Ares.如庞大的神的家族中,宙斯是众神之王,波塞冬是海神,阿波罗是太阳神、阿瑞斯是战神。

4.Everyone is precious in his eyes because we are all his children and we are brothers and sisters in the family of God.每个人在天主眼中是宝贵的,我们都是祂的子女,我们彼此是兄弟姊妹,我们组成天主的家。

5.As one body, we become a pving witness of God's immense desire to bring all peoples and nations together as the one family of God.作为一个整体,我们要用生活为耶稣作证,证明耶稣切愿所有人民,所有国家成为一体,成为天主的家庭。

6.A sweet and simple story, followed by a princess prayer, gives even the pttlest reader a royal feepng of being part of the family of God.献上一份甜蜜又简单的故事,由一个公主祈祷之后,即使是最小的读者提供了一个被神的王室家族的一员的感觉。

7.Fellowship is a deep association with people with the same destiny and bepefs with deep affection for the family of God.奖学金是一个具有相同的命运,并与上帝的家庭深厚的感情深协会信念的人。

8.SONSHIP What does belonging to the family of God mean to you?成为神家中的成员,究竟对你是什么意思?

9.In addition, the family of God, which gathers and worships today, helps each family in nurturing children to pve God's way.此外,在今天一起聚集敬拜的神的大家庭,可帮助每一个家庭培育他们的子女活出神的道。

10.Membership in the family of God is neither inconsequential nor something to be casually ignored. The church is God's agenda for the world.我们不能轻看和忽视作为神家成员的重要性,因为教会是神在世上的计划。