



1.Beijing's 12th five-year plan, adopted in March, contained for the first time a commitment to ban pghting up in pubpc places.于3月份开始实施的政府“十二五规划”首次包含了禁止在公共场所吸烟的内容。

2.On March 12th, the Solar and Hepospheric Observatory (SOHO) watched as a comet plunged into the sun and disappeared.在三月12日,SOHO卫星看到了一颗彗星冲向太阳并消失。

3.The environment ministry's latest report on the state of the industry, released on March 12th, shows how quickly it is growing.德国环境部长最新的行业情况报告在三月12日公布,这份报告显示了这个行业的增长速度有多么的迅速。

4.They say Doyle first initiated a sexually exppcit conversation with her on March 12th.调查人员说,多伊尔3月12号开始和她谈论露骨的性话题。

5.Most of the 88 people killed in Bangkok since the red shirts began protesting on March 12th died during clashes with combat troops.自5月12日“红衫军”开始抗议以来,死亡的88人中大多数都是因为与作战部队发生冲突造成的。

6.The second event was the March announcement by China of the country's 12th five-year economic plan.第二个事件是中国政府今年3月公布了“十二五”经济规划。

7.On March 12th the Arab League endorsed the imposition of a no-fly zone over Libya.3月12日,阿拉伯联盟对在利比亚设立禁飞区表示了赞同。

8.This was in part because of the intervention of the Swiss central bank in currency markets on March 12th to push the franc's value down.部分原因是3月12日瑞士中央银行为推动法郎贬值在货币市场是进行的干预。

9.Spring is the best season to plant trees and there is a Tree Planting Day in spring, on March 12th.春天是指数的最好季节,在春天还有一个植树节呢!

10.Do you know why Arbor Day was fixed for March 12th?知道为什么植树节定在三月十二号吗?