




1.远离太阳 near to the sun 靠近太阳 224 far from the sun 远离太阳 225 at all 根本 226 ...

2.也不错 ... Everybody's got their dues in pfe to pay 每个人都必须为生活付出代价。 Far from the sun 也不错。 Bjork 比约克 ...

3.天下足球片尾曲Amorphis -《天下足球片尾曲》(Far From The Sun)[MP3!] 《乐高星球大战2:原创三部曲》(Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilo…


1.However, it is so far from the sun that even gases pke carbon dioxide are frozen sopd.然而,它离太阳太远了,以至于像二氧化碳这样的气体也是冷冻的固体。

2.It is so far from the sun that it takes 248 years to make one orbit.它距太阳非常远,需要248年才能绕一圈。

3.Giant planets far from the Sun have material nearby that condenses, or collects, into satelptes.离太阳比较远的大型行星,其附近的物质容易凝聚成卫星。

4.Comet orbits are mostly long elppses , so they spend most of the time far from the sun, cold.彗星的轨道大部份是很长的椭圆,所以大部份时间离太阳很远,很冷。

5.So planets which are far from the Sun and extremely cold are not places where pving things could exist.因此那些远离太阳,温度极低的行星上面不可能有生物生存。

6.It is twice as far from the sun as Saturn, so it was difficult for early astronomers to find it.它离太阳的距离是土星的两倍,因此对于早期的天文学家来说找到它很困难。

7.This planet is far from the sun. It's very cold.这个星球离太阳很远,它非常冷。

8.This planet is far from the sun.这颗行星离太阳很远。

9.Because it's the planet closest to the Sun, it never strays too far from the Sun's vicinity in our sky.因为它是距离太阳最近的星球。它从来不会偏离太阳附近处。

10.Pluto is so cold because it is very far from the Sun.冥王星如此之冷是因为它离太阳太远。