



美式发音: [ˈmuːn keik] 英式发音: 






n.1.[Food]a Chinese bakery food which is traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival

1.月饼 Macarons 马卡龙 Mooncakes 月饼 Mutton and Beef 羊肉和牛肉料理 ...

2.月圆中秋 《摇篮曲》( Lullaby) 《月圆中秋》( Mooncakes) 《纸船》( Child by Water) ...

3.奇华至尊月饼 - Snakegourd Seed 瓜蒌仁; Mooncakes 奇华至尊月饼 Lotus Seed 纯正金黄莲蓉 ...

4.月饼的复数 富锦月饼: http://www.yuebingjiagong网址被屏蔽 月饼的复数Mooncakes;moon …

5.吃月饼 ·Day 圣诞日 ·mooncakes 吃月饼 ·mine 我的 ...

6.爱•月饼 ... 栗子公主的夏天 = Princess summer dream 爱•月饼 = Mooncakes 煲香满堂 = Heavenly claypot magic ...

7.盒子里有七个月饼 3. cpmbing。 cpmbe tree, 爬树。 4. mooncakes盒子里有七个月饼。(答案不唯一,M开头的可数名词都可以) 5. awar…


1."It doesn't matter how much a package costs. . . . Mooncakes are the best way to say: Let us keep in touch. "“月饼值多少钱没关系…它是表达‘保持联络’的最佳方式。”

2.The value is often not in the mooncakes, he says, but in the presentation.他表示,价格通常并不体现在月饼上,而是在包装上。

3.A man was shocked to discover that his firm had deducted 45 yuan from his salary for a box of 300 yuan mooncakes it had given him.一位男士吃惊地发现公司从发给自己的一盒价值300元的月饼里面扣了税,导致他的薪水被扣45元。

4.It is said "Hou Yi" missed his wife, so he made mooncakes.这是说“后羿”失去了他的妻子,所以他做月饼。

5.It is said that mooncakes - which the Mongols did not eat - were the perfect vehicle for hiding and passing along plans for the rebelpon.据说月饼蒙古人不吃的被用来和传递起义用的计划。

6.Over 96 percent of the participants of an ongoing poll on weibo. com said the tax body should impose no tax on mooncakes.正在进行的微博用户调查显示,超过96%的参与者认为不应征收月饼税。

7.They're too sweet and not healthy, " she said. " I just bring them with me when I meet friends and give mooncakes to anyone who wants one.“这些月饼太甜了而且并不健康。只有我去见朋友时才会带着,给那些想要的人”。

8.Mooncakes are so pivotal to the Mid-Autumn Festival that in one popular myth it was the pastry that started it all.月饼对中秋节的重要性不言而喻,在一个广为流传的传说中,月饼成了中秋节起源之始。

9.Most recently, the company made a Moon Festival comic strip and released branded mooncakes just for its fastest growing market.该公司不久前制作了以中秋节为主题的连环漫画,并且专门为增长最快的中国市场推出了品牌月饼。

10."We've created a very nice red box that looks pke a jewellery box. It's a box to be kept after the mooncakes are eaten. "“我们制作了一款非常漂亮的红色包装盒,看上去就像一个珠宝盒。在吃完月饼后,盒子可以收藏。”