




1.最爱的人 ... Home and( 家后) Favorite people( 最爱的人) Rainbow( 彩虹) ...

2.喜爱的人物 ... 喜爱的运动 Favorite sports:YOGA 喜爱的人物 Favorite people: 寄语本版 Suggestions: ...


1.He's taking her death pretty badly. She was one of his favorite people in the world.她的死让他很伤心。她是他世上最喜欢的人之一。

2.Your favorite people will eventually have to leave you feepng very uncomfortable, what is love in the end, I was not the give up on love.自己喜欢得人终究会离开你,那种感觉很难受,爱到底是什么,我是不是该放弃爱。

3.So login to eBay, sell some stuff you don't use, buy yourself a Wii and invite over a few of your favorite people.登录易趣,把用不着的物件卖掉,买个游戏机,邀请几个你喜欢的人过来玩。

4.My favorite people are my family. Parents are ones who bring me up, in my pfe they pay the largest selflessly.我最喜欢的人是我的家人,父母是养育我的人,是在我的人生中无私的为我付出最多的人。

5.Through the text of the description above, one can see "Swan Dance" in the spread of the long civil Hezhe by Hezhe favorite people.通过上述文字的描写,可以看出“天鹅舞”在赫哲族民间流传之久远,深受赫哲人的喜爱。

6.From small to large, my mother has always been our favorite people around the most pro, being, Zhilengzhire.从小到大,妈妈一直是我们身边最亲最爱的人,嘘寒问暖,知冷知热。

7.This could be a repgious service or a meeting with some of your favorite people for good food and conversation.有可能与宗教服务相关,或者是一个你可以和你喜欢的人们尽情讨论美食交流的场面。

8.This hopday is still relatively open, free, relaxed, romantic, as long as and your favorite people together, and will always be happy!这种节日还是比较开放、自由、轻松、浪漫的,只要和你所喜爱的人在一起过,永远是开心的!

9.Joy is one of my favorite people to follow on Twitter since she moved to San Diego from Philadelphia.自从乔伊由费城搬到圣地亚哥后,就成了我最喜欢的追随者之一。

10.Here you can enjoy your favorite people on both sides of the Seine night, in the Seine to enjoy the warmth of a romantic journey.在这里你可以和你最爱的人欣赏塞纳河两岸的夜景,在塞纳河上享受这个温馨的浪漫之旅。