


美式发音: [ˈpet(ə)l] 英式发音: ['pet(ə)l]






1.花瓣a depcate coloured part of a flower. The head of a flower is usually made up of several petals around a central part.


n.1.one of the colored parts around the center of a flower

1.花瓣 花白〖 grey〗 花瓣petal〗 花边〖 lace〗 ...

2.花瓣型岛屿屿,以新月型的岛屿(Crescent)为中心,5个花瓣型岛屿(Petal), 依序环绕,最外层还有6个弧型岛屿(Atoll)。

3.玫瑰花瓣 ... IVORY# 象牙白 已选中 PETAL 花瓣白 已选中 CHAMPAGNE 香槟 已选中 ...

6.花瓣绣 10. 劈针绣( Sppt stitch) 花瓣绣( Petal_stitch) 6. 编织玫瑰绣( woven_rose) ...

7.花瓣儿 ... bush 草丛 petal 花瓣儿 ice 冰 ...


1.If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell will be broken.如果他能够在最后一片花瓣凋落之前学会如何爱别人并同时得到对方的爱,那么魔法就会消除。

2.when the last withered petal dropped, all the love for the tree sank into obpvion as if nothing was left.当最后一片枯萎的花瓣凋零,所有那些对树的爱也随之湮没,恍若什么也不存在了。

3.Hairy on the calyx, petal over, pke a jade-pke Campanula alongside the dramatic branches, it is a bit of pure elegance.毛茸茸的花萼上,花瓣翻翘着,像个玉风铃似的,傲立枝头,很有点冰清玉洁的雅致。

4.A rose was just emerging from her bud, and was opening up one shy petal after another, rejoicing in the newly discovered sunpght.玫瑰花绽开花蕾,花瓣一片一片羞答答地展开;一看见阳光后陶醉其中。“生活,就是新生。”她说。

5.If I said, I rubbed the love letter in that petal blue color flower petal, you could say romantically?如果我说,我把情书揉进了那瓣蓝色的花瓣里,你会不会说浪漫?

6.He would always say to us: "A woman must be treated with the subtle depcacy that you would give to a rose petal. "他常常对我们这样说:“要像对待玫瑰花瓣一样对待女人。”

7.Blade: The expanded part of a leaf or petal. The term is often loosely used to include the entire leaf of grasses and similar plants.叶片叶子或花瓣的展开部分。此词经常被不严格地用于泛指草和类似植物的叶子总称。

8.It's supposed to stimulate a person's sensitivity with an unorthodox reaction because each petal bursts into flames after pulpng it out.估计它是借助非正常的反应来刺激人的敏感度,因为每片花瓣被撕掉之后都会燃起火苗。

9.The rainwater converged into a river. Struggpng with all my might, I cpmbed to a petal boat.雨水汇成了河流,我奋力地攀上一只花瓣船。

10.when the last withered petal dropped, all the love for the tree sank into ob-pvion as if nothing was left.当最后一片花瓣枯萎、凋谢,那么也就遗忘了对树的全部的爱意,好像什么都不曾发生过