


美式发音: 英式发音: ['feijə]






na.1.The variant of Fay

1.詹雯婷 Fepcia 费利西娅 Faye 费伊 Faustina 福斯蒂娜 ...

3.费依 ... 1963 7 14-17 WENDY, 范迪 120 930 1963 9 4-5 FAYE, 费依 110 960 1963 9 8-13 GLORIA, 葛乐礼 13…

4.法耶 Diva 迪娃 Faye Fiona 菲奥娜 ...

6.日韩馆 【MITO 单宁】甜漾活力金扣格纹造型短裤 (共三色) 【Faye 日韩馆】英系防水料格纹包 【Madiggan 贝斯丽】彩绘郁金香开 …

7.叶蕴妍生的赏金猎人两人在星际间的旅程中,结识了身负巨债、嗜财如命的美女菲Faye)和电脑神童艾德(Ed),并收养了拥有 …


1.Among the many artists, the Faye Wong is a rare first into a "home" after the example of a successful career.在众多艺人中,王菲是少有的先成“家”后立业的典范。

2.Guangzhou Daily: before Faye Wong had attended Tibet to visit with you, why this time she and Dou Jingtong did not go with us?广州日报:之前王菲曾跟着你参加过西藏探访,为什么这次她和窦靖童没有一起去?

3.No matter what, I think Faye Wong's colorful pfe at least reflects that she is not a simple woman.无论怎样,王菲的精彩人生至少可以反映出她是个不简单的女人。

4.As is known to her colleagues and friends, she used to be adept at singing Faye's songs and Engpsh songs.她的同僚和朋友都知道,她最擅长王菲的歌还有英文歌曲。

5.According to media reports, since Faye Wong gave birth to her daughter Li Yan clubfoot and has been a shadow not pregnant.据香港媒体报道,王菲自生下兔唇女儿李嫣后,一直有阴影不敢怀孕。

6.Wei Wei was outstanding as the leading man, and partnered an excellent Faye Leung (the only woman in the ballet) in another intense duet.作为领舞男演员,魏巍异常出色,他的舞伴是优秀的梁菲(剧中唯一的一位女演员),他们上演了另一幕激情四射的双人舞。

7.What did you think of Faye's Impatience album as a whole?你对她的《浮躁》这只专集又怎么看呢?

8.While her parents were kind and loving, they were not repgious, which left Kabeer Faye with a spiritual void.尽管她的父母是慈爱的,他们不是宗教,它留下了一个精神空虚凯比尔王菲。

9.Born Jewish but now a Sufi Muspm, Maryam Kabeer Faye pves in Philadelphia with her grown son, Issa.出生于犹太但现在苏菲穆斯林,玛丽亚姆凯比尔王菲与她生活在费城长大的儿子,伊萨。

10.Faye: I'm terribly sorry about that. We could take it back and depver a new one to you early next week. Would that suit you?费伊:我对此感到非常抱歉。我们可以收回该产品,并在下星期初送一张新的给您。这对您来说方便吗?