

Arctic Ocean

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un.1.the world's smallest ocean, mostly ice-covered, situated north of the Arctic Circle and surrounding the North Pole.

1.北冰洋 At-lan-tic 大西洋 arctic-ocean 北冰洋 Black 黑色 ...


1.As the ocean currents and the Arctic anti-cyclone, the Arctic is not the coldest place in the central Arctic Ocean.由于洋流和北极反气旋的影响,北极地区最冷的地方并不在中央北冰洋。

2.A few years ago the projection was that the Arctic Ocean would be ice-free in the summers by about the year 2080.几年前我们曾经预测,到2080年左右,北冰洋在夏天将不再有浮冰。

3.In North America, one currently runs through the panhandle of Florida up to the Great Lakes and into the Arctic Ocean.目前在北美地区有一条贯穿狭长的佛罗里达、直到五大湖,并到达北冰洋的无偏线。

4.The first kayaks were constructed with a wooden frame covered with seal skin and used to hunt in the open waters of the Arctic Ocean.最初的皮艇是木质架构,上敷海豹皮,用来在北冰洋的开阔水域上进行猎捕。

5.East is close to the Pacific Ocean. west meets the Baltic Sea Gulf of Finland. north is near Arctic Ocean. stretches across the Eurasia.东濒太平洋。西接波罗的海芬兰湾。北临北冰洋。横跨欧亚大陆。

6.Still, the new discovery and new classification of barrier islands around the Arctic Ocean is an eye-opener.关于北冰洋周围障壁岛的新发现和新分类仍然是令人惊讶的。

7.The two companies are planning to put a total of over $3bn into exploration of the Arctic Ocean and the Black Sea.这两家公司计划投入总额超过30亿美元来勘探北冰洋和黑海的石油和天然气。

8.We met a group of adventurers travelpng to the Arctic ocean by fire ballons . &we hopped onto the last ballon on an impulse.正好遇到一队冒险家坐热气球去北冰洋,我们就脑子一热跳上了最后一个热气球。

9.Sea ice extent - simply put, the area of the Arctic Ocean covered by sea ice varies every year, but trends can be estabpshed over time.海冰范围——简单来说,虽然北冰洋海区上覆盖的海冰每年都会变化,但它们的趋势都可通过较长的观测来确定。

10.After returning from the Arctic Ocean, the ship was laid up for repairs.船从北冰洋返航以后就入坞修理。