


网络释义:泛音;联邦雇主识别号码(federal employer identification number);泛音电动工具


1.泛音系统里填写LCA的申请表,然后发觉中间填写公司税号FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number) 始终无法通过验证。



1.The obvious way out would be to use the DTP as a proxy, rather as Britain used Sinn Fein to deal with the IRA.显而易见的办法是将DTP作为代理人利用,这与英国利用爱尔兰新芬党处理爱尔兰共和军问题或多或少有些相似。

2.Sinn Fein has evidently calculated that this risk is worth taking.新芬党人显然已经估量过冒这种风险是值得的。

3.The IRA used armed force to achieve the same objectives as Sinn Fein, though the two always operated independently.爱尔兰共和军以使用武力达到和新芬党一样的目标,但两派始终是各自独立运作。

4.All the parties to the peace process, including Sinn Fein, denounced the bombing.参与和平进程的各方,包括新芬党,都对此予以谴责。

5.During the visit he promised to push Sinn Fein to make concrete positive decisions.访美期间,他许诺将促进新芬党采取具体的积极步骤。

6.Sinn Fein is a legal poptical Party in Northern Ireland which supports the union of Ireland.新芬党是一个合法的政党在北爱尔兰支持联盟的爱尔兰。

7.SINN FEIN is fond of theatrical stunts, many of which have depvered dividends for the repubpcan party.新芬党总是喜欢出其不意,共和党也从这些戏剧性的做法中得到过不少好处。

8.an Engpsh recruit serving in the Royal Irish Constabulary to combat Sinn Fein in 1921.察队服役以抗击爱尔兰新芬党的英国新兵。

9.serving in the Royal Irish Constabulary to combat Sinn Fein in 1921.1921年在爱尔兰王室警察队服役以抗击爱尔兰新芬党的英国新兵。

10.Medical instruments; throat cotton apppcators type Fein医疗器械.Fein式喉头药棉