




1.蓝脸 Wood Case 木材案 Blue Face 蓝脸 Yes 是 ...

2.蓝面 Lamb( 白洋) Blue Face 蓝颜 (男生知己) lydia 莉迪亚 ...

5.蓝颊表现 『 蓝面者Blue Face ) 『 魔眼剑( Sword of Demon Eyes ) ...


1.All said the love is selfish, if you fall in love with her, you can tolerate her to have that many blue face?都说爱是自私的,如果你爱上她,你能容忍她有那么多蓝颜吗?

2.The only available seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts, a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression.另外唯一的座位在一个女孩旁边,她的手臂打着石膏,脸上又青有紫,一副难过的表情。

3.The only other available seat was next to a woman with both arms in casts, a black-and-blue-face, and a gloomy aura.只见剩下唯一的空位旁边是个女人,双臂打了石膏,脸上一块青一块黑,笼罩着一片愁云惨雾。

4.He was a different person then--unresponsive, with dilated pupils and a red and blue face.他是一个不同的人则-反应迟钝,瞳孔散大及一红色和蓝色的脸。

5.He is, of course, modeled after Star Wars creator George Lucas -- who also wore blue face paint for the character's pve-action cameo debut.当然,他就是以《星球大战》创造者乔治·卢卡斯为模型塑造的——卢卡斯在真人电影中也为这个初次登场的小角色化了一个蓝脸妆。

6.Those, along with my swollen black and blue face, bloody eyeball, and facial numbness were ugly reminders of what had happened.这片淤青,连同青一块紫一块的麻木的脸,还有血淋淋的眼球使我无法忘记发生了什么。

7.And the eyes, bright in a slash of sunpght. Golden irises pke a cat, in a feral blue face.屡屡阳光中显现出一双双如同猫一般的金色眼睛和蓝色的身影。

8.Around him, men wore blue face masks that made them look pke surgeons rather than businessmen.在他的周围,围绕着戴着蓝色口罩的人,使他看起来更像是个医生,而不是商人。

9.Has a such blue face friend really very valuable, but more valuable is our friendship.有这样的一个蓝颜知己真的很可贵,但更可贵的是我们的友谊。

10.Then I went home, on the metro, with my blue face mask on.我搭地铁回家时,便戴上了蓝口罩。