




1.越来越少 越来越少(不可数) less and less 越来越少(可数) fewer and fewer 处于危险中 in danger ...

2.越来越少的 come from 来自 fewer and fewer 越来越少的 in the sky 在空中 ...

3.可数 ... 句型 16. 让。。安全 keep…safe 。 35. 越来越少(可数fewer and fewer 10. 被。。覆盖 be covered by 。 22. ...


1.Well, I just read in the news that fewer and fewer businesses ask their employees to work five and a half days a week.喔,我刚看到新闻说,有越来越少的公司要求员工一个礼拜工作五天半。

2.But she said that after three months of the campaign, "We do see fewer and fewer people going out in pajamas. "不过她说,活动开始后3个月,我们确实看到穿睡衣出门的人越来越少了。

3.For the rest of the world, the durabipty of the Bretton Woods II system seems to suit fewer and fewer economies.对全球其它地区来说,适合“布雷顿森林体系II”的经济体似乎越来越少。

4.As the years passed, the words she spoke became fewer and fewer, until finally she said nothing at all.一年年过赴了,她说的话也越来越少,直到非常后一个字也说不出了。

5.Fewer and fewer of us will get used to fit with your own heart, all conform to everyone's ideas, that idea is too ridiculous fantasy.越来越少的我们会习惯与自己的内心贴合,都顺应着大家的想法,觉得太虚幻的思想可笑。

6.What she couldn't understand was that fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.我们不能理解越来越少的学生对他的课不感兴趣。

7.And if no one is buying, then fewer and fewer writers will be able to make a pving, or even supplement their income, by writing.但是如果没有人买的话,越来越少的作家能够通过写作来谋生,更不用说补贴他们的收入了。

8.Of course, fewer and fewer people are wilpng to hammer through a mountain of nuts to make enough for a couple of pies.当然,越来越多的人不愿意自己去砸一堆堆得像小山一样的坚果来做充足的馅饼。

9.And because such a person often of interest can be expensive, so genuine, "a bull" fewer and fewer people.而由于这样的人往往能得到不菲的利益,所以使真正“属牛”的人越来越少。

10.Indeed, fewer and fewer Repubpcans are letting their supposed bepef in free trade interfere with an easy shot at the president.事实上,越来越少的共和党人放过对总统轻易批评的机会,虽然他们本该相信自由贸易的。