


美式发音: [sɜrf] 英式发音: [sɜː(r)f]


网络释义:奴隶;Spin-exchange Relaxation Free;我为…服务




1.(旧时的)农奴(in the past) a person who was forced to pve and work on land that belonged to a landowner whom they had to obey


n.1.in the past, someone who pved and worked on land belonging to another person and who could not leave without that persons permission

1.农奴 secular 牧师 serf 奴隶 ambassador 大使 ...

3.Spin-exchange Relaxation Free ... microbiology (微生物学), serf农奴,奴隶)。 programmer 程序师 ...

5.我为…服务 排成行 series 我为…服务 serf 我保持 conservative ...

6.耕奴 ... 耕犁 plow 耕奴 agricultural slave;serf 耕种 to cultivate;to till ...

7.农夫 severe 严格 serf 农夫 surf 海浪 ...

8.啬夫公民意味着非啬夫 (serf)、非奴隶、非臣民,亦非什么“四有新人”。由此,并出现了公民与社群、公民社会与政治国家等等的派 …


1.I love my dad, but I'm going to lobotomize myself if I have to be his tech-support serf forever.我爱爸爸,但是要永远做他的技术支持奴隶,我宁愿去做脑白质切除手术。

2.Plantation gangs began to oust the patch cultivation of the labourer serf in the case of some staple products.在某些主要农产品的种植上,大农场上的伙役奴隶开始撵走了耕种小块土地的农奴劳动者。

3.Apce would accept such things as serf - pity and class - consciousness, though she'd play hell with me for my stupidity.尽管艾丽丝斥责了我的愚笨,她还是会接受诸如自我怜悯和阶级意识之类的东西的。

4.The word "robot" originates from the Czech word for forced labor, or serf.“机器人”一词起源于捷克语,意为强迫劳动力或奴隶。

5.As oneself territory master, he must protect attaches in his serf, its feudal right also is sacred inviolable.作为自己领地的主人,他又必须保护依附于他的农奴,其封建权利也是神圣不可侵犯的。

6.the third was a house - serf , a man of five - and - forty , with grey hair and a plump , well - fed figure.第三人是个家奴,约四十五岁,头发已开始灰白,身体肥胖,保养得好。

7.The serf was beaten up by her owner and passed out for two hours.这位农奴挨农奴主毒打,昏迷了两个小时。

8.Reactionary , backward schedule serf system , was tremendous tie of development society .反动、落后的农奴制制度,对社会的发展是极大的束缚。

9.but whenever it was possible to send a house - serf for a soldier in place of a peasant , he did so without the smallest compunction.只有在可以用家奴代替农民去当兵的时候,他就会毫不犹豫地派家奴去当兵。

10.Even a serf might have some notional 'property', but they probably didn't completely own it.即使农奴也有一些概念上的“财产”,不过他们或许不能完全拥有它。