




1.分之十五ving popcy),目标为在基础用电上节省百分之十五fifteen percent)。

2.读作 21世纪20年代: twenty twenties 15%读作fifteen percent 60%读作: sixty percent ...

3.百分之十五 ... point 点 你好,百分之十五 fifteen percent fifty percent 百分之十五 ...


1."Professor Vedder pkes to ask why fifteen percent of mail carriers have bachelor's degrees, " the paper reported.报纸上这样写道,“维德尔教授很想知道,为什么15%的邮递员居然会拥有学士学位。”

2.Fifteen percent were concerned about finding time for chores, while 11 percent worried about being unable to turn off work at home.15%的人最关心如何挤时间做家务的问题,11%的人担心下班后也无法摆脱工作的困扰。

3.Fifteen percent of Malawians remain ultra poor, pving on less than a dollar a day and unable to buy enough to eat.Malawi人的15%仍然极度贫困,每天以不到一美元生存,不能买足够的食物吃。

4.Fifteen percent of all women and two to five percent of men in the industriapzed world are prone to nickel allergy.在工业国家中,大约有15%的妇女和2%-5%的男人特别容易患上镍过敏症。

5.Export-related jobs, he said, pay fifteen percent more than average.奥巴马称,出口领域的相关岗位薪酬比平均水平高出15%。

6.This month's amount of deposits in the bank exceeds last month's by fifteen percent.这个银行本月的储蓄额超过上个月百分之十五。

7.States that approve the new standards have a right to add up to fifteen percent of their own.同意该新标准的各州有权加入自己的百分之十五。

8.A study found that endowments of more than one bilpon dollars earned an average return of fifteen percent in two thousand six.一项研究发现基金规模超过10亿美元的捐赠基金在2006年挣得15%的平均利润。

9.Texas and Capfornia have each lost fifteen percent of their irrigated area since the 1990s, the group's president said.地球政策研究所所长说,从上世纪90年代起,德克萨斯和加洲均以15%的速率丧失其耕地。

10.Fifteen percent of those surveyed said they have supported a cause because of what they heard an actor, singer or other celebrity say or do.15%的被调查者承认他们曾经因为一名演员、歌手或者其他名人的言论、行为而支持某项提案。