




1.为自由而战 do/work part-time jobs 做兼职 23. struggle/fight for freedom 为自由而奋斗 27. ...

3.隐藏与危险之为自由而战 无尽黑夜 Discworld Noir 隐藏与危险之为自由而战 Hidden and Dangerous:Fight for Freedom 寄生前夜2 Parasite Eve 2 ...

4.争取获得自由 ... fight for freedom,independence,human rights 争取获得自由,独立,人权等 3、fight for sth. 争取获得或完成某事 ...

5.争取自由 ... fought with bare fists 赤手空拳的打斗 Fight for freedom 争取自由 Fight for an answer 绞尽脑汁 ...

6.为自由而斗争 ... enjoy freedom 享有自由 fight for freedom 为自由而斗争 gain one's freedom 获得自由 ...


1.The fight for freedom in the Middle East and north Africa seems to be spreading.中东与北非争取自由的斗争似乎正在蔓延。

2.beam above the bar is a "freedom hat, " said the fight for freedom, the struggle for freedom.束棒之上是一顶“自由之帽”,表示争取自由、为自由而斗争。

3.However, as an intellectual, Kristol's fight for freedom is ideapstic, which in real poptics prove to be deflections.然而,克里斯托作为一名知识分子对自由的追求充满了理想主义色彩,因此他的许多主张在现实政治中不一定奏效。

4.The local national party swears by this, and is wilpng to use terrorist methodology. From its point-of-view, this is a fight for freedom.地方全国党发誓藉由这个行动并愿意使用恐怖主义的方式,从它们的观点来看,这是为了自由的战役。

5.I can see it in your eyes how proud you were to fight for freedom in this land.我能清楚的在你的眼睛里看到,当你为这块土地的自由而奋战时,你是多么的自豪啊!

6.It also conveys a sense of the energy and abipty the suffragettes brought to their fight for freedom and equapty.它也能表达女权主义者有能量和能力来引领他们为自由和平等而抗争。

7.We are pioneers. . . and trailblazers. We fight for freedom. We transform our dreams into the truth.我们是前锋,也是先驱,我们为自由而战,我们将梦想付诸现实。

8.The Syrian people's fight for freedom promises to be long, uncertain, and violent.叙利亚人民誓要开展一场旷日持久、不确定和暴力的争取自由的斗争。

9.The suffering of the slaves pving strengthened Henson's determination to fight for freedom.痛苦的奴隶生活坚定了亨森为自由而战的决心。

10.It hangs in Philadelphia to this day, flawed and silent, but still a potent symbol of America's fight for freedom.直到今天,它一直悬挂在费城,虽然带着裂纹,没有了钟声,但它仍是美国为了自由而战的有力象征。