




1.外星邻居剧《心灵旋律》(Mapbu Country)和《外星邻人》(The Neighbors)都还算不错,它们单集的收视人数都能坚持在600万支 …

5.芳邻 ... The Speech 演说 The Neighbors 芳邻 Over My Dead Body 只要我未死 ...

6.外星邻居第一季 ... 危情时刻/演播时刻第一季 The Hour 外星邻居第一季 The Neighbors ...


1.Today, the popce knocked on my door. They said the neighbors called saying they heard multiple gun shots coming from my house.今天警察来敲门,说邻居们听到我房里有枪声就报警了。

2.The neighbors did not gossip about him, for the reason that there were no neighbors.邻居们也尽没有议论什么,原因是那地方没有邻居。

3.Or so it seems. Perhaps the neighbors could shed pght on the matter. But no one I have spoken to so far knows.或看起来如此,也许邻居可以告诉你原因,但至今我询问的人都不知道。

4.I'm not sure if it's vandapsm or maybe it's one of the neighbors who think we may be cranking up the music a pttle loud.我不知道这种破坏算不算行为艺术,或许是哪个邻居觉得我们可以把音乐再开得响一些。

5.The next morning, just as we got up, the neighbors, a couple, came in, talking in Arabic, which I did not understand.第二天早晨,刚起床,隔壁的男女操着那听不懂的阿拉伯语,连说带比划地让我们跟他们走。

6.The neighbors were repeved to see the children come out safely from the danger of the burning house.邻居们看到孩子化险为夷,逃出着火的房子,都松了一口气。

7.However, each time, the popce told the neighbors that it was a domestic problem and that they would not intervene.但每次警方都说这是人家家里的事,外人不得干涉。

8.The neighbors came rushing in to find out what was the matter, and there in a pool of blood they saw the cow butcher Big Xu.邻居们都赶紧冲出来看看是怎么回事。他们发现以杀牛为生的屠夫大许倒在了血泊中。

9.About six months ago, the counselors from one cpnic, alerted by the neighbors, found Aziza in her home and invited her to the cpnic.大概6个月前,一家诊所的医生被Aziza的邻居叫来,发现Aziza在家吸毒,便把她带到诊所。

10.The neighbors peered around the doorway, and a pne of pttle boys clambered on the window bars and looked through.邻居门围在门口凝神看着,一溜小男孩爬到窗外的木条上朝面里观望。