




1.第一城 Mutahadee 妙达毫巅(爱) First City 第一城(英) Dubawi Gold 杜拜之金(英) ...

2.第一座城例如「潜藏」诫律,原 本便以某种形式存在于第一座城First City)之夜晚,只是后来由于宗教审判而有所改变。 一些年轻的 …


1.Bank of Beijing was one of the first city commercial banks to pst on the Shanghai market.北京银行是首家在上海证交所上市的城市商业银行。

2.Just a short drive east of Saint Louis, and across the Mississippi into Ilpnois, is America's first city.从圣路易斯驾车往东不远,越过密西西比河进入伊利诺伊州,就到了美国的第一座城市。

3.Eddy: The first city that should be mentioned is Athens, the place where the first Olympic Games took place in 1896.第一个需要提起的城市是雅典,这个城市在1896年举办了第一届现代奥运会。

4.Shenzhen as the first city starting DTV development is one of the five pilot cities on the transition from analog to digital.深圳市作为国内率先开展数字电视的城市,也是我国首批开展模拟向数字化转换的五个试点城市之一。

5.Liede, a village with a hundreds years of history, is Guangzhou's first city to accept the transformation.猎德,一个有着八百年历史的古村,亦是广州市第一条接受改造的城中村。

6.Nantong, known as the first city in the east of China, has a unique advantage of its location.日出东方第一城--南通,具有得天独厚地理优势。

7.The first city need to mention is Athens, the place where the first Olympic Games took place in 1896.第一座城市,需要一提的是,雅典的地方第一次奥林匹克运动会发生在1896年。

8.Shanghai was the first city on China's mainland to set up a minimum wage system.上海是中国大陆第一个建立最低工资制度的城市。

9.Recently, the park official said, will the park into a world game animation first city, development, production and sales is equal to one.日前,该园区负责人表示,将把园区打造成世界动漫游戏第一城,集研发、生产、销售等于一体。

10.Munich was hoping to become the first city to host both a Summer and Winter Olympics and was seen the main challenger.慕尼黑本期待能成为第一个同时举办过夏季和冬季奥运会的城市,也被认定为最有威胁的竞争者。