


网络释义:西班牙对外银行(Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria);毕尔巴鄂比斯开银行;西班牙毕尔巴鄂比斯开银行


1.西班牙对外银行(Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria)据西班牙对外银行(BBVA)说,北京在讲话后第二天就批准了100个项目。新的钢铁厂将建于广东湛江。

2.毕尔巴鄂比斯开银行  毕尔巴鄂比斯开银行BBVA)是西班牙顶级银行之一(在桑坦德旁边),正在占领拉丁美洲市场。毕尔巴鄂比斯开银行业务遍 …

3.西班牙毕尔巴鄂比斯开银行上周西班牙毕尔巴鄂比斯开银行(BBVA)不得不以创纪录利差出售20亿欧元担保债券。巴克莱资本分析师称,该笔高价交易表明 …

4.西班牙对外银行集团西班牙第二大银行——西班牙对外银行集团(BBVA)在接受路透社记者采访时表示,在马多夫涉嫌诈骗案中,该银行的西班牙客 …

5.中信银行与西班牙对外银行由中信银行与西班牙对外银行(BBVA)合作的QFII业务日前成功上线,BBVA5000万美元QFII资金到账并开始运作。这标志着中 …

6.中信银行和西班牙对外银行对于中信银行和西班牙对外银行BBVA)签署关于汽车贷款和私人银行业务合作的协议一事,张秋林透露,现在该项目正在向 …


1.Meanwhile, BBVA's managers do not own significant stakes in the bank and consider themselves to have a more conservative culture.与此同时,BBVA的管理者们在银行并不拥有自己大的投资份额,认为这是因为他们的企业文化更倾向保守。

2.BBVA said it had not made a final decision on whether to increase its stake in China's seventh-largest lender by assets.BBVA表示,它尚未就是否增持中信银行股份做出最后决定。按资产计算,中信银行是中国第七大银行。

3.Both banks focus mostly on retail banking, and avoided investments in toxic off-balance-sheet exposures at the behest of the Bank of Spain.BBVA和桑坦德都以散户业务为重,并且按照西班牙央行要求,避免资产负债表外的风险投资。

4.BBVA disagrees and is now well placed to expand its presence in a dynamic region home to many of the world's fastest growing economies.西班牙对外银行对此并不赞同,目前已充分准备好在颇具活力的亚洲地区拓展业务。许多全球增长最快的经济体都位于亚洲地区。

5.BBVA is expected to pay for the increased stake out of its reserves.预计BBVA将动用其资本储备来支付这笔投资。

6.Manuel Galatas, BBVA's managing director in Asia, does, however, admit Asia has not been plain saipng.不过,西班牙对外银行亚洲董事总经理曼纽尔-加拉塔斯(ManuelGalatas)也承认,亚洲业务并非一帆风顺。

7.BBVA made its initial investment three years ago during a period in which western lenders raced to strike partnerships with Chinese lenders.西班牙对外银行3年前首度投资于中信银行,当时西方银行竞相与中国各银行结盟。

8.This summer league sponsor Southwest Airpnes did walk away from the NBA, yet the league added a new partner in banking giant BBVA.这个夏天,联盟原赞助商西南航空确实离NBA而去,但联盟又添了新的合作伙伴——银行业巨头西班牙毕尔巴鄂比斯开银行(BBVA)。

9.BBVA's move comes as La Caixa, the Barcelona-based savings and loan institution, considers whether to raise its exposure to greater China.BBVA酝酿此举之际,巴塞罗那储蓄及贷款机构LaCaixa正考虑是否增加在大中华区的投资。

10.A bright spot was the performance of Spanish banks BBVA and Santander, whose brand value rose 33 and 10 per cent respectively.西班牙对外银行(BBVA)和桑坦德银行(Santander)的表现是一个亮点,品牌价值分别上升33%和10%。