




1.初恋情人 first love: 初恋 first lover: 初恋情人 first unrequited lover: 初次暗恋的情人 ...

2.第一位恋人 [just fall in love] 初涉恋情;初次相恋 [first lover] 第一位恋人 [peep;emerge just now] 刚刚显露 ...

3.我的初恋情人 First Star℡[ 第一明星] First Lover℡[ 第一爱人] First Tender℡[ 第一温柔] ...

5.第一个爱人 Automatic 。 6 级 2010-10-09 First lover 第一个爱人 First love 初恋 。 ...



1.It a: Can make the first lover mistake me for spoony seed, that year of penitence married to me, not as well quick Zai!其一:可使初恋情人误以为我为痴情种子,后悔当年没嫁给我,不亦快哉!

2.Even if later on he meet love at first sight of the girl, he gave it up that the impulse of debarkation looking for the first lover ashore.即使后来遇上了一位一见钟情的少女,他还是放弃了上岸寻找初恋情人的冲动。

3.A woman is faithful to her first lover a long time --- unless she happens to take a second.女人会对她的第一个情人长时间地保持忠诚——除非她碰巧弄到了第二个情人。

4.As her first lover you are setting the path for her future sexual experiences.作为第一次和她做爱的人,你将给她以后的性爱经历打下基础。

5.I saw my first lover last night, we talked and laughed pke we used to, however, I felt it is a different story.昨晚我遇到初恋情人了,我们像过去一样有说有笑,可我的感觉却截然不同。

6.Miss Ren remains loyal to her first lover, Zheng, and defends her chastity against the second man's sexual overtures.任氏仍然忠于她的第一个情人郑,面对第二个男人的性示意她保卫她的贞洁。

7.Until one day I saw my first lover walking along the street with another man side by side, happily.直到有一天我看到我第一个爱人幸福的和另一个男人在街上肩并肩的走着。

8.these old photos remind me of my first lover.那些旧相片使我想起我的初恋情人。

9.It's said a man can only remember his first lover and wife.据说,男人只会记住初恋情人和老婆。

10.you will occasionally give their first lover to make a phone call, then you find your old.你会偶尔给自己的初恋情人打个电话,然后你发现自己老了。