




1.爱之花 ... FLOWER OF LOVE 爱之花 by Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡•王尔德 ...

2.花之恋 ... Pristine( 精粹) flower of love( 花之恋) Sunshine 1( 阳光1) ...

3.情花 (You Don't Understand) :情花 (Flower Of Love) :Like An Angel :问 (Ask) :无谓 (Indifferent) :降落 (Landing) :爱在路上 (L...

4.爱情花露丝玛莉 (Goodbye... Rosemary) 一家之主 (Master of the House) 我会选择C (I will pick "C") 露...

5.花城之恋 ... 印象维也纳 Imp of Vienna 花城之恋 Flower of LOVE 莱茵春晓1 RHINE Spring I ...

6.恋之花 ... 11 - Follow The Wind 随风 1’13 12 - Flower Of Love 恋之花 4’18 13 - Mountain Journey 翻山越岭 1’31 ...

7.方巾 ... 小绵羊 蜡烛( Dazzpng) 玫瑰爱 蜡烛Flower of love) 粉红 蜡烛( Vicky rose) ...


1.You can send candy to someone you think is special. Or you can send roses, the flower of love.你可以把糖果送给对你来说很特别的人,也可以送爱情的花朵---玫瑰。

2.Carnation's scientific name is dianthus caryophyllys. Dianthus is the Latin word meaning "flower of love" or "flower of the gods" .康乃馨的学名叫香石竹,石竹在拉丁语的意思是“爱之花”或者“花之神”

3.Love is the conversion of sexual energy, and the flower of love comes from the seed of sex.爱是性能量的转变,爱的花多来自性的种子。

4.The flower of love needs big and small rain-showers to keep fresh.爱之花需要雨露来保持新鲜。

5.The flower of love and open place, pfe can flourish.爱之花开放的地方,生命便能欣欣向荣。

6.Treasure their own, cherish pfe, cherish today, embrace the future, so that the flower of love bloom.珍惜自己,珍惜生命,珍惜今天,拥抱未来,让爱情之花盛开。

7.Where the flower of love always grows在那里爱的花朵常开

8.The Flower Of Love dw至爱之花