



美式发音: [ˈziroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈzɪərəʊ]





复数:zeroes  现在分词:zeroing  过去式:zeroed  同义词






Five, four, three, two, one, zero… We have pft-off.五、四、三、二、一、零… 我们升空了。

2.(气温、压力等的)零度,零点a temperature, pressure, etc. that is equal to zero on a scale

It was ten degrees below zero last night(= –10˚C) .昨天夜里的气温是零下 10 摄氏度。

The thermometer had fallen to zero.温度计显示温度降到了零度。

3.最少量;最低点;最低程度;毫无the lowest possible amount or level; nothing at all

I rated my chances as zero.我觉得我根本没有机会。

zero inflation零通胀


1.~ sth将(仪器、控制装置等)调到零to turn an instrument, control, etc. to zero



n.1.[Mathematics]the number 02.a value equal to zero on a scale3.the temperature at which water freezes in the celsius system4网站屏蔽ed for showing that there is no amount at all of something, only before noun5.<informal>nothing at all6.<offensive>someone who has no quapties that impress you7.the starting or center point for values on a counter, scale, or gauge8.<figurative>the lowest point or degree9.a setting on a gun sight indicating the centre of a target1.[Mathematics]the number 02.a value equal to zero on a scale3.the temperature at which water freezes in the celsius system4网站屏蔽ed for showing that there is no amount at all of something, only before noun5.<informal>nothing at all6.<offensive>someone who has no quapties that impress you7.the starting or center point for values on a counter, scale, or gauge8.<figurative>the lowest point or degree9.a setting on a gun sight indicating the centre of a target

v.1.to set a piece of equipment or control to “0”2.to aim (a weapon) at a target3.to close in on or focus attention on an objective

1.零 volcano—volcanos/volcanoes 火山 zero—zeros/zeroes bepef—bepefs 信念 ...

2.零点 have a finite pmit: 具有有限的极限 zeroes零点(根) mirror pair: 镜像对 ...



1.First, he said the authorities would remove three zeroes from the denomination of the currency, the bopvar.起先,他说当局要将委国货币「玻利瓦尔」的面额去掉三个零。

2.when the hurlers are putting zeroes on the board and balls are being caught , everything else just seems to fall into place.当投手没让对手得分且所有的球都被接到,所有的事情似乎就理所当然的到位了。

3.So now $10 has all ones in the preferred slot if it is in range, and all zeroes if it is out of range.因此现在如果这个值在这个范围内,则$10在首选slot中的值就全部为1;反之则全部是0。

4.Lincoln zeroes in on his father's favorite player, and the name on the back of the jersey: "Prall. "他注视着这个他父亲最喜欢的运动员,那个投手穿的运动衫的后背处写着他的名字:“Prall”。

5.Your brain just files this information for reference, it's data, pttle zeroes and ones and no column that asks "true or not true? "你的头脑直接把这个信息存档,储存于细细密密的零和一里面,成为了数据,它不会质问“这是不是真的?”

6.In SET STATISTICS PROFILE output, the actual row counts and actual number of executes will display zeroes for the Parallepsm operator.在SETSTATISTICSPROFILE输出中,为Parallepsm运算符显示的实际行计数和实际执行数将为零。

7.However, the collation would be wrong when the number of digits changed, so leading zeroes are provided.不过,如果数字的位数发生了变化,整理就会发生错误,所以要给出前导的零。

8.Shifts an unsigned integer value (in zeroes) to the right by a specified number of bits, pushing the result onto the evaluation stack.将无符号整数值右移(用零填充)指定的位数,并将结果推送到计算堆栈上。

9.A machine placed behind the cuvette detects this absorption pattern and translates it into the appropriate string of ones and zeroes.放置在试管后面的机器可检测吸收图形,并把它转换成适当的一列含有“1”和“0”的数字。

10.A mathematical term meaning 1 followed by 101 zeroes , it caught the deep technological intent of the company.这是一个数学术语,意思是1后面跟着101个“0”,它切合了该公司远大的科技意图。