




1.意志之力 皮甲/腿部 144AC 意志之力 Force of Will 渊博褶裙 Luminary Kilt ...

2.愿望之力 3 Coralhelm Commander 珊瑚盔指挥官 4 Force of Will 愿望之力 4 Daze 目 …

3.原力意志 ... Focused Casting= 专注施法 Force of Will= 愿志之力 Freezing Trap Effect= 冰冻陷阱效果 ...


1.Nothing stands in the way of this, and a total force of will can be used for good or not so good.没什么可以阻挡,而且倾尽全部的意志之力可以用来做好的或者没那么好的事。

2.This is the force of will which had enabled her to reserve the fund intact .正是这种意志力使她能够不动用专款。

3.The fact that nothing worked was an inconvenience they hoped to overcome by force of will.什么都无法运转的事实对于想要克服困难的人来说是个障碍。

4.He tried to keep the pain under control by force of will and was, in fact, fairly successful, but he could not fall asleep again.他试图用意志力控制住疼痛,也确实相当有效,但再也无法成眠。

5.He reached out his hand and they shook, Brendan managing through an extreme force of will to keep his arm steady.他伸手和他握了握,布伦丹则用强烈的意志使劲不让手臂颤抖。

6.Ferguson created "Fergie Time" out of sheer force of will.弗格森全凭顽强的毅力创造了“弗格森时间”。

7.Imagine the force of will it would take to hold on to hope!想象一下,要做到心存希望需要有多么强烈的意志力!

8.Even though he lacked a majority, sheer force of will gave him a lot of power.即使他缺少主动,十足的希望的给了他无限的力量。

9.Force of Will: Increases your spell damage by 1% and the critical strike chance of your offensive spells by 1%.意志之力:增加法术伤害1%和攻击法术的爆率1%

10.Behavior is based on habit, and habits can be changed through the force of will.行为决定于习惯,而习惯本身可以经由意志的力量得以改变。