



1.Hence, pharmacological inhibitors of increasing specificity for HSP90 are being tested in cancer patients, in combination with chemotherapy.因此,他们正在测试数种对HSP90更具专一性的抑制性药物,用于搭配化疗来治疗癌症病人时的效果。

2.Objective: To observe the effects of electroacupuncture on expression of HSP90 of myocardial ischemic area in rabbit heart.目的:观察电针刺激对急性心肌缺血家兔心肌热休克蛋白90(HSP90)表达的影响。

3.HSP70 and HSP90 depressed apoptosis, deciduas adhere to uterine wall caused prolong the duration of vaginal bleeding after medical abortion.HSP70和HSP90还通过其抑制凋亡的作用,使蜕膜组织粘连于子宫壁导致持续出血。

4.Relative expression levels of HSP90 gene increased with the increase of temperature.幼虫体内HSP90表达量随着温度升高呈增加的趋势。

5.In fact, researchers learned that members of the HSP60, HSP70 and HSP90 famipes all regularly carry around peptides generated within cells.事实上,研究人员已知HSP60、HSP70和HSP90等家族的成员都经常携带著细胞内产生的胜肽。

6.CONCLUSION: HSP90 may mediate the cardioprotection of H2S via inhibiting the oxidative stress induced by chemical hypoxia.结论:热休克蛋白90可通过抑制化学性缺氧引起的氧化应激反应来介导H2S的心肌保护作用。

7.The results suggest that HSP90 may play an important role in high temperature tolerance in S. exigua.这说明HSP90在甜菜夜蛾幼虫抗高温中起到重要作用。

8.As a result, she has suggested that species-specific inhibitors of HSP90 may be used as a new generation of antibiotics.因此,她建议可以使用针对特定物种的HSP90抑制剂,来做为新一代的抗生素。

9.Expression of HSP90 Protein and mRNA in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus热休克蛋白90在系统性红斑狼疮外周血单个核细胞中的表达

10.Study on HSP90 inhibitor of potentiating heat-induced cell kilpng osteosarcoma cells热休克蛋白90阻止剂增强热诱导骨肉瘤细胞杀伤的研究