




1.福特基金会在福特基金会(Ford Foundation),大家持续工作以应对人类的挑战。我们的目标集中在社会公正原则上,因为这代表的是人们 …

2.美国福特基金  ② 美国福特基金(Ford Foundation)项目“计划生育对中国妇女的双面影响”,项目主持人:朱楚珠,鉴定专家组,鉴定时间:199…

3.美国福特基金会美国福特基金会FORD foundation)主要合作伙伴 美国福特基金会(FORD foundation) 机构的独特性 本网络具有跨学科和 …



1.The Ford Foundation's history of collaboration and interlock with the CIA in pursuit of U. S. world hegemony is now a well-documented fact.自六十年代以来通过不断地揭露,福特基金会与中情局狼狈为奸为美国寻求世界霸权的历史已为世人熟知。

2.Since the Ford Foundation event in 1962, Japanese China-studies community started to notice thoughts on the identity of academic community.自1962年福特基金会事件之后,日本中国研究界注意到自我反省的意识,带来了一波「学术社群的主体性何在」的思维。

3.When her boss left to help the Ford Foundation build an anti-poverty programme, she went along too.后来,她的上司离开原来岗位去为福特基金会建立了一个消除贫困项目,她也追随而去。

4.I bepeve that the Ford Foundation has two characteristics on the impact of Sino-US relations: permanent and non-dominant.本文认为,福特基金会对中美关系的影响有两大特点:一是长久性,二是非显性。

5.Ms Berresford, who retires in January, is the Ford Foundation's first female president and brings a brisk intellect to her work.贝里斯福特将在明年1月退休。她是福特基金会的首任女性总裁,并将自己敏锐的才华注入到工作当中。

6.Well, I should tell you that I do not join any organization, including Ford Foundation, unless it can satisfy two criteria.我不加入任何组织,包括福特基金会,除非这个组织能够符合两个标准。

7.Grants from UNESCO , the Twentieth Century Fund, the Ford Foundation and other groups made it possible to develop the Diploma Programme .国际教科文组织、二十世纪基金、福特机构和其他组织的承认使文凭项目成为可能。

8.A series of reports by organisations including the Ford Foundation concluded that business education had to become more academic.包括福特基金会(FordFoundation)在内的机构发布了一系列报告,认为商业教育必须更具学术性。

9.Among others the Tides Center has partnered with are the Ford Foundation and the Gates Foundation.潮水中心的合作夥伴还包括福特基金会和盖茨基金会等。

10.Six years after Geithner studied there, his father Peter Geithner opened the Ford Foundation's first office in Beijing.盖特纳在那里学习六年后,他的父亲彼得盖特纳在北京开设了福特基金会的第一个办事处。