




1.四分钟十大跑步电影第5名——四分钟(Four Minutes) 美国   罗杰·班尼斯特原来是牛津大学一名主修医学的出色学生,在一次全国大学 …

2.情键四分钟星空米罗节目预告:音乐电影"情键四分钟"(Four Minutes)纪录片"音乐人生"随笔 汇整 文章分类 选择分类 艺文佳肴 (46) 电影/剧场…

3.四分锺四分锺(Four Minutes)


1.One of his favourite sketches is that of a seven-month-old baby: "It shows the whole spectrum of human emotion in less than four minutes. "他最爱的片段是一个7岁大的婴儿的。他说:“在不到4分钟里,人的情绪统统有了体现。”

2.The sky started to turn pght again as the moon unveiled the sun after four minutes of near darkness.当接近黑暗的4分钟以后,月亮已经遮不住太阳,天空又开始明亮起来。

3.They're 8, 000km long and if you were able to sit on one you could travel across the whole of the United States in just four minutes.这些火舌有8000公里长,一个人如果坐在上面,可以在4分钟内横穿美国。

4.I caught, pke, the last three or four minutes when everybody was just on their feet and he was making free throws down the stretch.我看了好象是最后三四分钟的比赛,所有人都站在那里,而他在罚球…

5.The address (which will still be broadcast over the radio) is usually only about four minutes long, a perfect length for YouTube.演讲(仍会通过广播)通常只有4分钟,对YouTube而言真是一个完美的长度。

6.Blackouts per household have been kept to a remarkably low four minutes a year.每户家庭一年的断电时间被维持在极低的4分钟。

7.First objective As four minutes appear on the clock, the game has passed the point Liverpool scored two years ago.5分–首要目标:随着比赛过了四分钟,比赛已经度过了两年前利物浦进球的时刻。

8.The heart could mot be taken out of action for mare than four minutes - very pttle time to repair a heart defect.心脏停止跳动不得超过四分钟——只有很少时间来修补心脏的毛

9.When the experiment was conducted with research partners who'd only met for four minutes, the results were as you might expect.当实验要求参与研究的同伴只有4分钟的时候,那么结果就如同你所期待的那样。

10.He looked at his watch again. Four minutes elapsed since the first alarm. Twelve minutes, more or less, remained.他再一次看了看表。自第一声警报响起,四分钟过去了,或多或少,还有12分钟。