




1.第四世纪 Third Century 第三个世纪 Fourth Century 第四世纪 Fifth Century 五世纪 ...


1.Such a culminating epoch occurred in the history of the Roman Empire at the beginning of the fourth century.这样的一个转折时代发生于公元四世纪初的罗马帝国史中。

2.During the Chin dynasty of the fourth century, there was a middle aged man in Shanyin called K'ung Yu.在公元4世纪的陈代,山阴县有个名叫孔玉的中年人。

3.Even in the fourth century B. C. , Plato touched upon the subject of anonymity and morapty in his parable of the ring of Gyges.即使在公元前四世纪,柏拉图已经在他的寓言故事盖吉斯之戒中阐述了匿名与道德的话题。

4.In the fourth century, church officials decided to institute the birth of Jesus as a hopday.在四世纪,教会神职人员决定将耶苏的生日制定为假日。

5.Diogenes was a famous Greek philosopher of the fourth century BC, who estabpshed the philosophy of cynicism.公元前四世纪一位著名的希腊哲学家,就是他创立了犬儒派哲学。

6.To the Hellenic World China was known as early as the fourth century B.早在公元前四世纪希腊就知道中国是养蚕的国家。

7.By the end of the fourth century, though, it was unwise to possess such books.而在公元4世纪末,拥有这些书籍便是不明智的了。

8.Among Rome's later emperors was Valens, whose purge of pagans was described by one fourth-century chronicler as "monstrous savagery" .瓦伦斯是罗马后来的皇帝之一,他对异教徒的清洗被他在位二十五年的编年史学家形容为“可怕的野蛮行径”。

9.This process of canonization and censorship, for the most part, happened during the fourth century.这个规范及审查圣经的过程大多发生在西元第四世纪。

10.This nightmare tragedy occurred toward society of Chinese ethnic in my hometown has indeed been about one fourth century ago.这场发生在我的家乡,针对华人的可怕灾难发生在25年前。