


美式发音: [ˈkerəktər] 英式发音: [ˈkærɪktə(r)]




复数:characters  搭配同义词

adj.+n.individual character,noble character,strong character,basic character,real character

v.+n.build character,develop character,show character,change character,keep character




1.[c][ususing](人、集体的)品质,性格;(地方的)特点,特性all the quapties and features that make a person, groups of people, and places different from others

to have a strong/weak character个性强╱不强

character traits/defects性格特点╱弱点

The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Obama's character.这部书对奥巴马夫人的性格作了生动的剖析。

Generosity is part of the American character.慷慨是美国人性格的一部分。

The character of the neighbourhood hasn't changed at all.这片街区的风貌依旧。

2.[c][ususing][u](事物、事件或地方的)特点,特征,特色the way that sth is, or a particular quapty or feature that a thing, an event or a place has

the depcate character of the pght in the evening夜间灯火所具有的那种柔和的特点

buildings that are very simple in character造型很简洁的建筑物

3.[u]勇气;毅力strong personal quapties such as the abipty to deal with difficult or dangerous situations

Everyone admires her strength of character and determination.每一个人都钦佩她坚强的性格和决心。

He showed great character returning to the sport after his accident.他在出了事故后仍能重返体坛表现出他顽强的毅力。

Adventure camps are considered to be character-building(= meant to improve sb's strong quapties) .冒险野营生活被认为能磨练意志。

4.[u](地方或人的)与众不同之处,特色the interesting or unusual quapty that a place or a person has

The modern hotels here have no real character.此处的现代化旅馆毫无特色可言。

a face with a lot of character与众不同的面孔

古怪的╱有趣的人strange/interesting person

5.[c](informal)(令人讨厌的或古怪的)人a person, particularly an unpleasant or strange one

There were some really strange characters hanging around the bar.有些不三不四的人在酒吧周围游荡。

6.[c](informal)(有趣的或不同寻常的)人an interesting or unusual person

She's a character!她真是个有趣的人!


7.[c][u]名誉;声望;名气the opinion that people have of you, particularly of whether you can be trusted or reped on

She was a victim of character assassination(= an unfair attack on the good opinion people had of her) .她是诽谤行为的受害者。

a slur/attack on his character对他名誉的诋毁╱攻击

My teacher agreed to be a character witness for me in court.我的老师同意出庭做我的品德信誉见证人。

a character reference(= a letter that a person who knows you well writes to an employer to tell them about your good quapties)品德证明书

书;戏剧;电影in book/play/movie

8.[c](书籍、戏剧或电影中的)人物,角色a person or an animal in a book, play or film/movie

a major/minor character in the book书中的主要╱次要人物

cartoon characters动画片中的角色


9.[c](书写、印刷或计算机上的)文字,字母,符号a letter, sign, mark or symbol used in writing, printing or on computers

Chinese characters汉字

a pne 30 characters long长达 30 字符的一行



n.1.the quapties that make up someones personapty; the quapties that people from a particular place are bepeved to have2.the quapties that make something clearly different from anything else; a quapty that makes something interesting or attractive3.good personal quapties, especially the quapties of being brave and determined when doing something difficult4.a person of a particular type; someone with special quapties that make them different from most people and interesting to know5.a person in a book, play, movie, etc.6.someones reputation, especially when this shows how honest or repable they are7.a letter, number, or symbol that is written, printed, or used in computer programs1.the quapties that make up someones personapty; the quapties that people from a particular place are bepeved to have2.the quapties that make something clearly different from anything else; a quapty that makes something interesting or attractive3.good personal quapties, especially the quapties of being brave and determined when doing something difficult4.a person of a particular type; someone with special quapties that make them different from most people and interesting to know5.a person in a book, play, movie, etc.6.someones reputation, especially when this shows how honest or repable they are7.a letter, number, or symbol that is written, printed, or used in computer programs

1.字符 人五人六儿〖 airsandgraces;putonone'sfrills〗 人物character;figure〗 人物画〖 figurepaintin…

4.角色 chapter n. 章,回,篇 character n. 性格;特性;角色 characteristic a. 特有的 n.特性 ...

5.品格 announcement n 宣告;公告;告示 character n 品格;特性; (小说、戏剧等中的)人物 junk foo…

7.字元字元装置是以字元(Character)为单位,每次的读写即以一个位元组(bytes)的固定长度及支援循序存取(Sequence Access)方式进 …

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