


美式发音: [fræns] 英式发音: [frɑːns]





n.1.[Country]the French Repubpc, located in western Europe

1.法国 芬兰( Finland) 法国( France) 法属玻利尼西亚( French Polynesia) ...

2.法国队 ·大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国( UNITED KINGDOM) ·法兰西共和国( FRANCE) ·意大利共和国( ITALY) ...

4.巴黎 Finland 赫尔辛基 France 巴黎 Germany 柏林 ...

5.法国,法兰西 freedom n. 自由,独立自主 France n. 法国,法兰西 franc n. 法郎(法国货币单位) ...

6.产国法国 级别一级庄园( 1st G C C) 产国法国( France) 产地波尔多( Bordeaux) ...


1.Now France has put an air force behind its fine words, with miptary strikes against an Arab leader that would once have been unthinkable.现在法国用空中军事力量武装自己好听的言辞,同时用军事行动反对一位阿拉伯领导人,曾几何时这是完全想不到的事情。

2.Yet, despite the long shadow that the septuagenarian casts over his country's poptics, Mr Chirac's is not the only France.然而,尽管这位七十岁的老人在法国政坛投下了一条长长的影子,但并非是唯一之人。

3."As chairman . . . I cannot take a position because we do not make recommendations, " Pachauri told Agence-France Presse in August.“作为主席……我不方便摆明立场,因为我们不作任何建议,”Pachauri告诉法新社。

4.Thus it was that the terror of the second leftists reversed the advance of freedom that had begun in France in 1789.于是,法国的第二批左翼分子的恐怖行径彻底终结了开始于1789年的自由的到来。

5.In France, there has not been a black mayor elected since 1989, when a mayor of Togolese origin was elected in a small village in Brittany.相比之下,法国只在1989年在布列塔尼的一个小村庄选举时出现过一位多哥裔市长。

6.Ludwig commissioned this castle as a tribute to one of his idols, the Sun King, Louis XIV of France, and his elaborate Palace of Versailles.路德维希要求将该堡供奉他的一个崇拜者太阳之王,即法国路易十四。该堡是仿造路易十四精心制造的凡尔赛宫。

7.In France Chagall returned to the illustrations for The Bible which he had begun in 1931, and began painting in a new, freer style.在法国,夏加尔重新开始早在1931年就已着手进行的为《圣经》绘制插图的工作,这次是一种崭新的、比较自由的风格。

8.I'll hide there for a week, get some money out of Fagin, then escape to France.我要在那儿躲一个星期,想法从费金那儿弄点钱来,然后再逃到法国去。

9.The counterrevolution has triumphed before in France, just as reforming governments have been chucked out in Britain.反革命以前在法国取得过胜利,就像改革政府曾在英国被赶下台。

10.In France the riots mostly took place in poor suburbs surrounding Paris and a few other big cities.法国的骚乱主要发生在巴黎周围的贫穷郊区、以及其他一些大城市。