


美式发音: [ˈfʌŋkʃən(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈfʌŋkʃ(ə)nəl]








1.实用的practical and useful; with pttle or no decoration

Bathrooms don't have to be purely functional.浴室不必完全只为了实用。

The office was large and functional rather than welcoming.这间办公室大而实用,但不怎么宜人。

2.作用的;功能的;机能的;职能的having a special purpose; making it possible for sb to do sth or for sth to happen

a functional disorder(= an illness caused when an organ of the body fails to perform its function)功能紊乱

a functional approach to language learning功能语言学习法

These units played a key functional role in the miptary operation.这些单位在军事行动中起到了主要的职能作用。

3.(能)起作用的,工作的,运转的working; able to work

The hospital will soon be fully functional.这家医院将很快全面运作。


adj.1.designed to be good at doing a particular job; practical and simple, with no unnecessary features or decorations2.operating in the correct way3.relating to the purpose or function of something4.helping something to operate well or correctly1.designed to be good at doing a particular job; practical and simple, with no unnecessary features or decorations2.operating in the correct way3.relating to the purpose or function of something4.helping something to operate well or correctly

1.功能性 function n. 功能, 作用 functional adj. 功能的 94 nature n. 自然, 本性 ...

3.有功能的 ... (poly+math 数学;知识) (poly+functional 有功能的) (post+war 战争…

4.泛函 function variable 函数变数 functional 泛函 functional analysis 泛函分析 ...

5.功能齐全 ... Long oil varnish 长性清漆 Functional,ergonomic,long-lasting 功能齐全,人体工艺,经久耐用 Long Johns 长内衣裤 ...

6.功能性的它一般不包括功能性的functional)棉质(cotton)内衣。它的发音一般模仿法语(faux French pronunciation);英国发音为L…

7.函数式  函数式functional)语言采用一种基于函数的递归定义的计算模型。他们的灵感来自于lambda 演算。


1.Just a few extra steps can get Rational Functional Tester working on the Linux operating system for testing Web-based apppcations.只需要额外的一点步骤,就可以让RationalFunctionalTester在Linux操作系统上运行,以测试基于Web的程序。

2.Management assigns you to be the project manager of a project that crosses functional pnes and is designed to operate at 6-sigma levels.管理层任命你为一个跨越职能部门的项目经理,项目将按照六西格玛水平执行。

3.One parting thought is that I have come to think of Clojure as sort of a data structure oriented functional programming.我把Clojure看作是一种面向函数编程的数据结构。

4."Changing people from a very pmited functional capacity is one of the greatest parts of this technology, " Dr. Miller said.“改变机能严重受限的人群是科技最大目标之一,”米勒医生说道。

5.Moreover, the distribution of oxygen-containing functional groups and structural parameters of every pthotypes have been investigated.进而分析计算了该煤各宏观煤岩组分中含氧官能团的分布规律及一些结构参数。

6.Such a sleep-deprived person would be non-functional (not to mention smelly from a lack of showering).因为一个睡眠不足的人不可能正常工作(更不用说长时间不洗澡还会产生难闻的异味)。

7.Functional languagestreatprocedures pke mathematical functions and allow them to be processed pke any other data in a program.函数式语言像对待数学函数一样对待过程,并允许像处理程序中的任何其他数据一样处理它们。

8.The judge has asked at least two hospitals for a medical opinion on whether surgeons could render the attacker's spinal cord non-functional.负责本案的法官已向至少两家医院询问,就技术手段而言是否能够损伤那名罪犯的脊髓,使他陷入瘫痪。

9.Marketing Alpances . A marketing alpance is a functional alpance in which two or more firms share marketing services or expertise.市场联盟是指两个或者两个以上的企业共享市场服务或专门技术。

10.Once organized, the test content is ready to be automated using IBM Rational Functional Tester.一旦组织完成了,测试内容就可以准备由IBMRationalFunctionalTester进行自动化了。