




1.魔鬼经济学合作,在前年将他研究日常问题的成果结集成书,题为《搞怪经济学》(Freakonomics),出版后在《纽约时报》图书排行 …

6.怪异经济学 ... economics 经济学 freakonomics怪异经济学》 New York 纽约 ...

7.诡异经济学诡异经济学 (FREAKONOMICS)史卡布罗集市 (Scarborough Fair) 又学了两招 看这个帅丫头 向前冲 牙医猛于虎也 春假 Subscri…


1.The work of an economist (Levitt) and a writer (Dubner), Freakonomics used economic theory and data to explain social phenomena.一位经济学家(莱维特)和一位作家(杜伯纳)联袂之作,《魔鬼经济学》利用经济学理论和数据来解释各种社会现象。

2.With "Freakonomics" , the authors made pop economists of everyone, to the general good.魔鬼经济学中,作者成为人所众知的经济学家,声誉良好。

3.In this era of "Freakonomics" , in which everyone is discovering their inner economist, economics has become unexpectedly sexy.在这个“非常经济学”的时代里,每个人都是自己的经济学家,经济学也出人意料地成为了显学。

4.At just 29, Mr Shapiro can already boast a collection of eye-catching findings worthy of a sequel to "Freakonomics" .仅仅29岁的时候,夏皮罗先生就已经拥有了一系列引人注目的发现,足以配得上作为《魔鬼经济学》的续集。

5.The idea of using sports betting to test market efficiency came from Steven Levitt (the co-author of Freakonomics) and Ricard Gil.用体育博彩来测试市场有效性的想法来自StevenLevitt(魔鬼经济学的合作者)和RicardGil。

6."Freakonomics" owed its origins to a profile of Mr Levitt in the New York Times magazine in 2003.《魔鬼经济学》的起点是《纽约时报杂志》(NewYorkTimesmagazine)在2003年对列维特先生的一个简介。

7.And academic superstars such as Steven Levitt, co-author of Freakonomics, have been teaching executive courses in business experimentation.而像《魔鬼经济学》(Freakonomics)作者之一史蒂文•莱维特(StevenLevitt)这样的学术超级明星一直在教授商业实验方面的管理课程。

8.File Wei's theory under "Freakonomics, China edition. "魏的理论则可以归为“中国版本的魔鬼经济学”。

9.The book is a sequel to "Freakonomics" .该书是《魔鬼经济学》的续篇。