


美式发音: [bəˈθɛzdə] 英式发音: [bəˈθezdə]



un.1.city northwest of Washington, D.C., in Montgomery County, Maryland. It is home to the National Institutes of Health and to two large army and navy medical centers.

1.贝塞斯达贝塞斯达Bethesda)是位于美国马里兰州蒙哥马利县的一个未成建制的自然聚居区,在华盛顿特区西北部紧挨着华盛顿,人 …

2.马里兰州贝塞斯达马里兰州贝塞斯达(Bethesda)的美国学校心理学家协会(National Association of School Psychologists)专业发展和标准主管埃里 …

3.毕士大毕士大Bethesda )翻译过来就是“恩惠之家”的意思,据说:从前,这个池子每年都会在不定期的时间,有天使下来搅动池中 …

4.马里兰州比塞大她在马里兰州比塞大Bethesda)国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)演说时表示:「我承认这是雄心勃勃的目标…

5.贝塞斯达市贝塞斯达市Bethesda)的华盛顿华尔道夫中学(Washington Waldorf School)却不愿跟上潮流。该校的教师们认为科技会使 …

6.贝赛斯达位於贝赛斯达(Bethesda)的美国国家图书馆每年能够监测到700篇以上关於心脏病和鱼油之间关系的研究论文。大量的信息使得 …

7.贝斯达贝斯达(Bethesda) 及柏林(Berpn) 宣言: 著作所有权人必须事先授权给予所有的使用者, 以数位媒体用於负责的目的, 宣示作者的 …

8.马里兰州毕士大  在马里兰州毕士大(Bethesda)的美国国家心理健康研究院(National Institute of Mental Health),大卫‧鲁宾诺(David Rubinow) …


1.That's what I notice so far, big difference for me and good job from Bethesda and supporting this game a year after it has been released.那我到现在为止注意的,大的不同为我和来自毕士大的好工作而且在它之后支援这游戏年已经被释放。

2.She had been scheduled to leave for Africa, but delayed her trip to get me through the necessary surgery at Bethesda Naval Hospital.她本来计划要去非洲,但推迟了行程,陪我在贝塞斯达海军医院做必要的手术。

3.I don't want to have any Marine that I'm visiting at Bethesda [naval hospital] with no legs be the result of any distraction.我不希望在贝塞斯达海军医院看到任何一个人因分心失去双腿。

4.Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.在耶路撒冷,靠近羊门,有一个池子,希伯来话叫作毕士大,旁边有五个廊子。

5.From Iraq, I flew to Landstuhl, Germany and then on to what is now the Walter Reed Bethesda Naval Hospital.从伊拉克,我飞到了德国的兰施图尔,然后住进了现在的沃尔特里德贝塞斯达海军医院。

6.Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market, a pool which is called Bethesda, having five porches.现在在耶路撒冷的绵羊市场,有一个叫百色大的小池,有五个门廊。

7.Take a stroll by Turtle Pond, Strawberry Fields, Bethesda Fountain, or join a game of Frisbee at The Great Lawn.你可以沿着龟池、草莓地、毕士达喷泉漫步,或者在大草坪玩飞盘游戏。

8.Finally, the company will supply the Altix 4700 system to the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Bethesda, Md.最后,该公司将为位于马里兰州Bethesda的海军水面作战中心提供Altix4700系统。

9."The smaller number of genes does indicate in creased complexity, " says Craig Venter , CEO of Bethesda, Maryland.“基因数量较少千真万确地表明复杂性的增加,”马里兰州贝塞斯达的赛莱拉基因组学公司总裁克瑞格-温特说。

10.Last Tuesday, several hundred researchers and activists met in Bethesda, Maryland, for a Summit on H. I. V.上周二,数百名研究人员和活动家参加了在Maryland,Bethesda举行的HIV疫苗研发峰会。