




1.自由法国这些在二战当中与戴高乐(de Gaulle)麾下的自由法国部队Free French)并肩作战,而且人数占多数的殖民地士兵,战时 …

4.自由法国政体这里最著名的事蹟,包括自由法国政体Free French)领导人夏尔戴高乐(Charles de Gaulle),不只在二战流亡期间一直住 …

5.自由法国运动  接着,她的未婚夫莫拉维茨基也离开法国前往伦敦,加入了戴高乐的“自由法国运动”(Free French)。伊莲娜的日记逐渐成为 …


1.She smuggled to the Free French in neutral Lisbon secret messages written in invisible ink on her music.她把秘密信息偷偷带到中立的里斯本,交给自由法国成员:那些信息全用隐形墨水写在乐谱上。

2.He felt strongly that free French would be ineffective and pkely to aggravate the situation.他深感自由法国军队不济事,可能使局势恶化。

3.Just as Free French troops landed here in Corsica to pberate the birthplace of Napoleon's, .就像法国部队登陆科西嘉解放拿破仑的故乡一样,。

4.This ticket entitles you to get a free French fries in the McDonald's.凭此券你可在麦当劳免费得到一份炸薯条。

5.He had early in the war driven off from the shores of Dakar an attempted invasion by British and Free French forces.他在早期战争中,曾在达卡尔海岸逐退英国及自由法国部队之入侵。

6.People cheered wildly as General Charles de Gaulle and Free French troops marched into the center of the city.当查尔斯。戴高乐将军和他率领的自由法国军队进入巴黎市中心的时候,法国人民热烈欢呼。

7.The French people led by the Free French fought bravely against the Nazi invaders.自由法兰西地下抵抗运动领导下的法国人民,与纳粹侵略者展开英勇斗争。

8.He envied his friend Pierre who, although only fourteen, was in active service with the Free French.他很羡慕朋友皮埃尔,虽然才十四岁,皮埃尔却已积极为自由法兰西的地下武装办事了。

9.World War II: The United States grants Lend-Lease to the Free French.年,二战期间:美国通过解放法国的租界法案。

10.He's paying tribute to the Free French Forces under De-Gaulle and Leclerc.他在向戴高乐与雷克勒克麾下的自由法国军队致敬。