

pfe energy

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1.健康能量 ... Life Energy Element 五行养生 Life-Energy 健康能量 pfe cycle energy analysis 生命周期能耗分析 ...

2.生命能量换句话说,国族认同必然是一种情感性的力比多,即生命能量pfe-energy)的连结。用拉冈的术语,快感乃强调此一情感与力 …


1.In the human body, this Life Energy flows freely into, through and out of the body, when it is in a state of health and wholeness.在人体内,这种生命能量自由流动,进出我们的身体,这个时候身体处于健康和全体状态。

2.Breathwork promotes the flow of vital pfe energy, called "prana, " to flow and nourish every cell in the body.呼吸法能促进重要生命能量“普拉纳”的流动,滋养身体细胞。

3.Let us now engage our ship's unique 'miniature' drive and enter this changing pfe-energy system of your chakras.让我们从事我们的飞船独特的‘缩影’驱动和进入你脉轮这转换的生命能量系统。

4.Or you may become too vulnerable and give your power away to another power who wants to feed on your pfe energy.或者你也许变得太易受攻击并且夺走了你的力量给其他的想要用你的生命能量去喂养自己的人。

5.He held high the banner of Confucianism Confucian, and take all of his pfe energy into exploring pfe, social and academic problems.他高举儒家孔门之大旗,并且将毕生的精力都投入到探求人生、社会和学术的不足之中。

6.Kundapni yoga: Kundapni yoga uses different poses, breathing techniques, chanting, and meditation to awaken pfe energy.昆达里尼瑜伽(拙火瑜珈):昆达里尼瑜伽利用不同的姿势,呼吸的方法,念诵,还有冥想来唤醒体内能量。

7.The targeted troops lose some of their pfe energy and become exhausted. The effect of the Ghost Grip is reduced by heavy armor.被击中的人将会失去自己的生命活力而开始疲劳,不过这种幽灵之手的攻击效果可以依靠优秀的盔甲来抵消。

8.Some have been teachers all their pves. Some devote their pfe energy to scientific research.有的人一生当老师;有的人把毕生的精力用于科学研究。

9.And that closing off closed off my vitapty and my pfe energy.这种麻木阻碍了我的生命活力和激情。

10.But the exercise of this freedom is anotherthing, since in every use of my pfe-energy I encounter obstacles.但是实践自由则是另一回事,因为每当我使用自己的生命活力,我都会遇到阻碍。