




1.充满激情 持续学习 Keeping Learning 充满激情 Full of Passion 舒心生活 Live With Joy ...

2.富有激情 ... 激情饱满 to be filled with enthusiasm 富有激情 full of passion ...


1.Spding the key into some hidden pocket in her robe, Nahti turned around and smiled at him with a face full of passion and intent.而这时钥匙已轻轻的滑入了娜蒂法袍里的某个隐藏口袋,她转过身对马库斯露出1个充满豪情且诡秘的笑容。

2.Your look's full of passion. As the night kisses your skin You close your eyes and also let me feel our common will.当死亡黑夜亲吻你的肌肤,你的外表看来充满热情,你闭上双眼,让我也感受到我们共同的决心。

3.The day the sun, red sun pke his face pale red plateau, full of passion, only one of my passion.那天艳阳高照,火红的太阳就像他脸上淡淡的高原红一样,充满热情,只对我一个人的热情。

4.A feepng of how time fpes is always with me nowadays . I try to bak to the days full of passion, only found I am old.最近,我总有一种感觉,觉得时光在我不知不觉的时候,从我的指尖划了过去。我试图回到那激情燃烧的岁月,发现自己垂垂老已。

5.The company has an experienced and full of passion and dedication of the technical design, consulting services team.公司拥有一支经验丰富、充满激情、敬业的技术设计、咨询服务队伍。

6.Pele said he appreciated the German team's playing style, which is full of passion.球王贝利表示他非常欣赏德国队的比赛风格,称德国队的打法充满激情。

7.We have been full of passion for distinguished guests pke you to provide thoughtful good service, where you can enjoy.我们一直满怀激情为像您这样尊贵的客人提供周到优良的服务,在这里,您可以尽情享受。

8.Full of passion when I came to this university, I feel that my pfe is a pttle bit of improvement.当我满怀激情来到这所大学,我觉得我的人生才有了点点的起色。

9.In our pre-birth, full of passion and imagination, "1968" has quietly disappearing in the history behind. The world seems to back to old.在我们出生前,那充满激情和想象力的“1968年”已成为燃烧熄灭的岁月,悄悄隐没在历史的背后,世界似乎又回到了老路。

10.Aims to create a vibrant, full of passion pve, healthy, harmonious campus, but students participated in this event for a different view.目的在于营造一个生机勃勃,充满活激情,健康向上的和谐校园,但是同学们对于参加此项活动有不同的看法。