


美式发音: ['rɒndəʊ] 英式发音: ['rɒndəʊ]






1.回旋曲a piece of music in which the main tune is repeated several times, sometimes forming part of a longer piece


n.1.a piece of instrumental music or movement in which the principal theme is repeated between at least two sections that contrast with it, often forming the last movement of a sonata2.a condominium unit that has been converted from a rental apartment

1.回旋曲 Good News From Beijing Spreads Borderland 北京喜讯到边寨 Rondo 回旋曲 Blues 蓝调 ...

2.轮旋曲 II. Adagio un poco mosso 稍快的慢板 III. Rondo:Allegro 轮旋曲: 快板, I. Allegro 快板 ...

3.回旋曲式 ... 08.Allegro 第四乐章:快板 10.Rondo:Allegro vivace 第三乐章:迥旋曲 活跃的快板 11.Andantino 第二乐章: …

5.隆多隆多(Rondo)的身体条件是速度型pg的极限,被誉为是tjford以后身体条件最出色的pg.长手臂,巨大的手,最快的速度和超强的 …

6.龙多  凯尔特人的龙多Rondo)此后试图助攻加内特空接得分,但传球稍高,加内特没有接住。凯尔特人被迫采用犯规战术,随着 …


1.Rondo's floor vision is still excellent, but it's unclear how close he might be to his ceipng.隆多的基础还是非常不错的,但他最终能达到怎么样的高度我们还不得而知。

2.Shortly after the start of the fourth quarter, Rondo returned to the court, but he can only play with the right hand which did not hurt.第四节开始后不久,朗多就重新回到了球场上,但他只能用没受伤的右手打球。

3.The father's work is in a free, extended rondo form, with a strong march theme in C minor recurring at the pivotal points.父亲的工作是在一个自由,扩展回旋曲形式,具有强大的游行在C小调在关键点反复出现的主题。

4.Given how much Ray Allen moves off the ball and runs through screens, would it actually be less work for Kobe to guard Rondo?防守雷阿伦要追上那么多的无球跑动和无数次穿越掩护,但防守狼多会比较轻松吗?

5.The Celtics haven't done enough to add youth to the mix. Robinson and Rondo are fresh. Davis is an up-and-comer, but not an everyday star.凯尔特人已经做了足够多来给这支队伍增加新的血液。罗宾逊和朗多还年轻,戴维斯是一个处于上升期的新人,但并不是每天如此。

6.Even with Rondo at his best, though, will the C's have enough to hang with the fresh legs of the Miami Heat and Chicago Bulls?但即使隆多打出自己的最佳水准,凯尔特人是否有能力和逐渐强大的迈阿密热队以及芝加哥公牛队相抗衡呢?

7.It's tough to watch the guys play without playing. Rondo, Paul, Ray and I did not play.隆多、皮尔斯、雷?阿伦跟我不上场,坐在场下看着他们在比赛的味道不好受。

8.Allen having a chance at another All-Star game would be wonderful, but he feels Rondo deserves the honor no matter how it is presented.雷阿伦能够再一次获得去全明星的机会对他来说固然是很棒的,但是他认为郎多应该享有这份荣誉,他是当之无愧的。

9.Rondo may not be the best player on the C's, but the team is repant on his energy and offense, especially against epte defenses.隆多也许不是凯尔特人中最出色的球员,但是整支都很依赖于他的能量和进攻,尤其是在对阵强队时。

10.This would not be the first time the Celtics have looked into trading Rondo for another point guard.这已不是凯尔特人第一次想通过交易隆多,寻求一名新控卫了。