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1.Jenkinson arrived from Charlton in the summer and has helped ease the Gunners' injury crisis at the back, and is tipped to be a future star.詹金森今夏从查尔顿转会来到阿森纳,减轻了后防线伤病的困扰,并认为是一颗未来之星。

2.The first view is the "Future Star" square when you come into our school, The best wish of our school.林:走进校门,首先映入眼帘的是“明日之星”广场,这是学校对我们的殷切希望。

3.Many of Barnard's dark nebulae are themselves pkely sites of future star formation.许多巴纳德暗星云本身可能就是未来恒星诞生的地点。

4.Hill's story begins in Jackson, Miss. , where the future star was born on Sept.希尔的故事始于密苏里的杰克逊,这位他日的明星1967年9月21日在那儿出生。