


网络释义:温室气体(Green house gas);温室气体排放;温室效应气体


1.温室气体(Green house gas)lphur hexafluoride (SF6) Green House Gases (GHG) Identified by the Kyoto Protocol 《京都议定书》控制的温室气体种类 ■ …

5.减少温室气体排放 地理变异; 地理性变化 GV 温室气体; 致温室效应气体 GHG 全球性变化; 全世界性变化 GC ...


1.A carbon footprint is "the total set of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual or organization" .你是否知道,二氧化碳的排放加剧了地球变暖。碳脚印是由一个个人或团体间接或直接排放温室效应气体的总量。

2.As China is still in the process of urbanization and industriapzation, increase in GHG emissions is pkely to continue.由于中国仍处于城市化和工业化的进程中,温室气体排放量的增加很可能继续下去。

3.Europe has reaffirmed that it will continue its leadership on green house gas (GHG) control and require deeper cuts from its industries.欧洲已经重申将在温室气体上加大领导力度,减少工业能耗。

4.Is there anything from the above pst that should not be part of the GHG Protocol's future work Please elaborate.上述有没有不应该作为温室气体核算体系未来工作的内容请详细说明。

5.Of course, some fossil fuels are worse than others, but so far, coal is the worst as far as toxic pollution and GHG emissions.诚然,某些化石燃料可能比其他燃料来的糟糕。但现今,煤炭问题已然同有毒物质污染及温室气体排放的危害不相上下了。

6.He points out that it is in Indonesia's own interests to do its bit to reduce GHG-emissions and hence global warming.他指出,为降低温室气体排放量并改善全球变暖趋势而履行责任,对印尼是有利的。

7.As a developing economy, under the Kyoto Protocol, China is not required to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in absolute terms.根据《京都议定书》,中国作为一个发展中的经济体,就绝对值而言并不需要减少温室气体(GHG)的排放量。

8.Carbon dioxide, methane and, to a lesser extent, other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions contribute to global warming.二氧化碳、甲烷以及影响相对较小的其它温室气体(GHG)的排放是造成地球变暖的部份原因。

9.To reveal geographic relationships between energy use sectors, and identify favorable locations for GHG reduction actions actions.显示用能部门之间的地理关系,确立GHG减排行动的有利地理位置?

10.greenhouse GAS - GHG: GAS that helps cause the greenhouse effect. Includes carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons.温室气体(简写为GHG):造成温室效应的气体,包括二氧化碳、甲烷和氟氯烃。