




1.地狱厨房  片中的“地狱厨房”(Hell s Kitchen)是曼哈顿的中西部区域,位于34街与59街、第8大道与哈德逊河之间。尽管现在的“地狱厨房”是 …


1.He beat her as he had beaten snotty smaller kids long ago when he had been a tough teenager in New York's Hell's Kitchen.他不停地打她,就象他还是纽约地狱的厨房(曼哈顿的贫民窟)里的强壮少年时打讨厌的小子们一样。

2.These street urchins soon formed into gangs and by the end of the 19th Century Hell's Kitchen became the crime capital of the U. S.这些街头流浪儿不久就结成了团伙,在19世纪末,“地狱厨房”地区成为美国的犯罪中心。

3.Hell's Kitchen had an almost non-existent cinema release, and has barely been seen since.地狱兄弟几乎没什么影响力,后来也很少被人提起。

4.In Hell's Kitchen, City Sandwich speciapzes in Portuguese sandwiches made with traditional pao de agua bread.在《地狱厨房》中,“城市三文治”专门用传统的paodeagua面包制作葡式三文治。

5.A horse-drawn carriage takes passengers on a ride in Times Square and People dance during a cast party in Hell's Kitchen at 1: 29 a. m.1点29分,一辆马车拉着旅客在时代广场晃荡,一群人在地狱厨房(曼哈顿的贫民窟)在收场派对上热舞。

6.Two floors of yogic heaven right in the middle of Hell's Kitchen. See the full editorial review.两层买权天堂中的地狱的厨房。看到全编辑审查。

7.A worker cleans glass windows on Ninth Avenue in Hell's Kitchen at 12: 09 a. m. , in New York, Oct.一个工人在擦拭第九大街上的地狱厨房的窗户。

8.This is a tunnel that's abandoned in Hell's Kitchen.这是电影《地狱厨房》里那条废弃的地下道。

9.I'm in hell's kitchen with an apron and a hair net我还曾在地狱的厨房带着假发穿着围裙呢