




1.幽灵狼 图腾【 Totems】 幽灵狼Ghost Wolf】 星界传送【 Astral Recall】 ...

2.幽魂之狼 FS:Frost Shock 冰霜震击 GW:Ghost Wolf 幽魂之狼 HW:Heapng Wave 治疗波 ...

3.鬼狼 Leonard Cohen I'm Your Man 我是你的男人 Ghost Wolf鬼狼 A Thousand kisses deep 千吻之深 ...

4.幽灵之狼 Skinomi TechSkin iPhone 5 超薄高级隐形贴膜 全身贴 ghost wolf 专业鼠标垫 ralph lauren privatesale 拉尔夫劳伦代购 ...


1.Arctic Wolf *New* - Alters the appearance of your Ghost Wolf transformation, causing it to resemble an arctic wolf.极地狼——你变成幽魂之狼时以极地狼的形态出现。

2.Glyph of the Arctic Wolf - You appears as an arctic wolf when using your Ghost Wolf spell.北极狼雕文-当你使用鬼魂之狼法术时,你将呈现为北极狼。

3.Glyph of the Black Wolf - You appears as a black wolf when using your Ghost Wolf spell.黑狼雕文-当你使用鬼魂之狼法术时,你将呈现为黑狼。

4.This will use your mount when out of combat, and ghost wolf when in combat.当你不在战斗时,这个宏将使用坐骑,当你进度战斗时,这个宏就使用幽魂之狼。

5.you cast hibernate on hunter pets just because you can. Same with ghost wolf shamans.你对猎人的宠物放催眠仅仅是因为你会催眠,对幽灵狼萨满也这样

6.Ghost Wolf's mana cost is now 13% base.法术消耗为13%基础值。

7.Ghost Wolf: Cast time reduced to 2 seconds, down from 3.幽魂之狼:施法时间从3秒降低到2秒。

8.turns the shaman into a ghost wolf . increasing speed令自己变成狼,增加移动速度