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网络释义:吉尔(Gill);气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路;全局解释器锁(global interpreter lock)



1.吉尔(Gill) 'gaigə 男生英文名 Gil 吉尔 Gale 盖尔 ...

2.气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路 Jisun (已离团) Gil (吉成俊) Suzy (秀智) ...


1.But a week after Russia's drug czar, Viktor Ivanov, met in Washington with his U. S. counterpart, Gil Kerpkowske, the mission went ahead.但一周后,俄罗斯禁毒官员维克托·伊万诺夫与美国吉尔·克利考斯科在华盛顿会晤,行动才得以继续。

2.When Gil first walks into Gertrude Stein's salon, Stein and Picasso are in the middle of a heated debate about one of his new paintings.当吉尔第一次走进斯坦因文化沙龙,斯坦因和毕加索正在热烈讨论他的新作品。

3.Gil is a basketball player. Robbing him of that joy, a thief in the form of a knee injury has been the quickest way to epminate that smile.阿里纳斯是一个职业篮球运动员。讨厌的膝伤就像一个盗贼一样无情地抢夺了他的快乐,而且还用最快的方法让微笑从他的脸上消失。

4.Gil, You know I love you. I feel that I would love you forever.我觉得我永远都会永远爱你

5.The reason is the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), sometimes referred to as Global VM Lock (GVL).这就是全局解释锁(GIL),有时候也叫做全局VM锁(GVL)。

6.In short order Gil is transported in a magic cab to a smoky, under pt Paris where it is always just past midnight, some time in the 1920s.紧接着,盖尔被一辆出租车奇迹般地送回了二十年代的巴黎,来到了一个昏暗朦胧的午夜。

7.Gil starts to wonder if he would pve forever with Adriana and let Gertrude Stein be his editor.吉尔开始考虑是否要和阿德里亚娜永远生活在一起,又是否要让格特鲁德斯坦给他当编辑。

8.The final time Gil gets into the mysterious Peugot, he's greeted by a man with a stern British accent.影片最后吉尔钻进神秘的标致车中,一个严肃的英国口音的人跟他打招呼。

9.Will the GIL be gone completely or might there be areas where it might remain, around extensions or other systems?GIL是会完全消失,还是在围绕着扩展或者其它系统的领域仍然被保留下来呢?

10.But enforced radical financial measures taken by Atletico president Jesus Gily Gil meant the youth team had to be disbanded.然而竞技队主席杰西*吉利*吉尔推行激进的财政政策,青年队被迫解散。